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Two In Me

My boyfriend and I had been together for 3 yrs.We met of all places a bowling alley. We had a very sexual relationship.I experienced sex in ways I never even thought about during my 7yr marriage.I was introduced to such things as exhibitionism, voyeurism, hard core porn, toys of many types.I even tried and enjoyedstill doanal sex. When the subject of threesomes come up I like most woman soft placeumed another woman.YEAH RIGHT! But to my surprise I was wrong.He wanted to share me with another man!? Of course at first it didn't seem right.

I mean I was satisfied with the 1 on 1 sex.Why would I need another length?? Well after about a year and a half I finally agreed and found myself looking forward to the day with anticipation. I must admit here that the time and preparation as well as our selection process was a sexual experience in it self. We each made a list of 5 guys and it surprised us both that 3 of the names matched. We decided on a mutual friend named Bobnot reallyBob is a rather good looking man and hardly ever showed up with a date.He is of medium height and build.Dark hair and eyes and girls he sure did fill a pair of jeans.

My guy goes 6'2'' 220lbs of latin lover.Me, I am 5'10'' with brunette curls half way to my soft place, my tits are a firm 36D The rest follows at 28-38.Oh did I forget to mention my smooth hairless softness.

It was at our bowling league on a friday nite when we decided to make our move.I was given permission to be extra flirt with Bob.I took full advantage but not to make it to obvious to those around us.

I didn't want to look like the slut I was going to be later that nite.

HopefullyBob turned out to be a very good sport.He went along with everything I threw at him. After bowling we hit the bar.A few drinks and lots of sexual innuendos later Vinceboyfriendinvited Bob back to our place for a nite cap.He agreed.Right then I actually got a little nervous but at the same time I started to fill with excitement and anticipation.Wondering if Bob knew what was in store for him. My excitement grew by the minute I could feel my softness throbbing, I knew I was getting wet and we haven't even left the damm bar! Vince made me blow him on the ride home.

I sucked his length hard and deep until he shot his load into the back of my throat. Upon arriving at home I greeted Bob out on the porch we walked in arm in arm.I lead him to the den sat him down and poured us drinks.We sat and talked for a few before Vince joined us.There was a moment of awkward silence as we all checked each other out.

Then engaged in small talk and bowling stats. I looked up at the clock.It was getting late and my mind was racing, my heart was pounding.I think I was even getting a little impatient.Damm it Vince I thought.

Make your move!ASK HIM IF HE WANTS TO PLAY ME ALREADY!! Almost as if he could hear my thoughts....

He began."So Bob, we would like to ask you a question of a personal nature.It would be a very special favor.I hope it does not shock you to much.Vince went on and on but finally got to the point. My heart sank as Bob just sat there with this blank look on his face.As we eagerly waited for him to respond."Are you guys kidding me!"He said boldly."HELL YES" I thought I was going to cry.I excused myself and went to the bedroom to slip into something sexy and easy to remove.I had to wait for Vince to come back with the final invitation.I swear it must have been 30min. or so.I couldn't wait.

I started to play with my soaking wet softness. When Vince walked in I was two fingers deep and working it steady.Bordering on angry I said "what the hell man?" Vince replied "Sorry babe. Man things remember, I had to set the ground rules and boundaries you know." As he started to undress He said he did leave out the fact that I liked to be played in the soft place.He said that it would be up to me to let him know. Hand in hand we walked toward the den.

My excitement growing with each step.I could not believe I was going to go through with this.Two men, Two lengths for me to enjoy. I'M SORRY PEOPLE THIS IS GOING TO HAVE TO WAIT TO GET FINISHED.



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