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The Car

I meet my master for lunch I walk up to his car feeling nervous with anticipation of what is going to happen today.

We go park and he has me lay the car seat all the way down. He unbuttons a few buttons of my top and starts to pinch and pull my nipples and he than bends down and starts sucking on my nipples. I am so turned on, wet and feel my personal place throbbing. He than starts to play with my personal place, then gently is fingering me as he alternates between the two so I cum immediately.

Than starts the intensity of him grabbing my softness, I feel intense pain but than he fingers me again, than more grabbing of my personal place and softness and more fingering that I can hear the wetness as he fingers me which makes me cum again. He than slips his fingers in my mouth as I taste my juices. I love sucking and tasting myself. He has me turn over and as I do, he starts playing with my soft place he slaps it a couple of times and starts fingering my soft place. It feels so good than I feel a bite on one check, than some more fingering, than another bite on the other cheek. It feels so good that I want his thingy in me. He continuous the process of biting and fingering my soft place that I cum again. During this he manages to get four fingers in my soft place. Oh I think and want him to play my soft place with his thingy. He turns me around again and plays with my personal place and once again he grabs it, calls me his whore and is asking over and over if I like what he is doing? Yes, yes, yes as I cum and he continuous to pull and pinch my personal place and fingers me. Once again I get to taste myself. I want to take his huge hard thingy into my mouth but he does not allow me. I want to taste his precum and cum but he slaps my hands away. He said that later I would get that pleasure. I than go back to the office somewhat satisfied.

Not having him in me or getting to service him leaves me troubled, but I know that if I am a good girl I will get to see him later.

Later, much later, as I was a good girl I do get to see him. I kneel and take his thingy in my mouth, it is so big and with more time of spending with him, I am able to take more of his thingy in my mouth. How I like to toy it, taking my time with it, its mine to do as I wish to please him.

I love to look at it, place it in my mouth, toying it, biting it, sucking it. He tells me to get it very wet as he is going to play my soft place. I am so ready I want to feel him in me. He bends me over and wants to ram it in me. I flinch, he grabs my hair and bends me over and than I feel his thingy in me. The pain causes me to cum immediately. Why I flinch, I dont know.

Maybe the anticipation maybe, the pain, but once inside it is such a good feeling.

It feels so good as he slides in and out of my soft place. He makes me cum so hard and so long.

He continuous sliding in and out of me soft place and than when he rams his thingy into me it is so much more intense. I cant get enough of him. I drive my soft place into him, I want to feel every inch of him and as I do, reach down and play with my personal place and it feels so hard.

Those sensations feel so good. I am so wet that I slip my fingers into me and than into my mouth, how I enjoy the taste.

He than asked me to sit on him and his thingy goes into me. As I am facing him, his thingy in me, I start rocking back and forth, slowly and than he tells me he is about to cum, I start rocking quicker that he starts moaning and I feel him cum. I also start to cum that I grab him and start kissing and biting his lower lip, I cum with such intensity that my body shakes for a while afterward. Finally, we catch our breath look at each other and cant believe how awesome it was.

As usual he satisfies me like no other.

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Submitted by : Anonymous
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