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Playing A Stranger A Bar

At 20, my girlfriends & I were getting into bars with fake id's. We were at a local warmth in the wall one Saturday nite and all of us were getting pretty hammered. My one girlfriend kept jabbing me and loudly saying, "look at that guy over there, he keeps watching you"...

or "he's hot, he wants to play you". I just blushed and told her to shut up.

But I did notice how he kept looking over at me. I excused myself and headed to the ladies room.

Being a tiny bar, it's a one person restroom. I went in and started touching up my makeup.

I was getting a warm feeling all over...

must be the alcohol. Or is it the guy? Hhhhmmm, I start thinking about him. He was cute. Maybe 35, tall, athletic build. Oh well, keep dreaming! Just at that moment, the door opens and in he walks.

I stammer and say "do you realize you're in the ladies room". He smiles, locks the door and says yes. He walks up to me and kisses me. I nearly melt in his arms.

He says he's been thinking about this all nite. He sees I'm not resisting so he picks me up and sits me on the counter. Kissing me as he lifts up my top to reveal my tits. My nipples are hard with anticipation. He starts sucking them as his fingers climb up my skirt. He feels the wet spot on my panties and moans as he finds my wet warmth.

He starts to finger play me. I lean my body against him and I start to shudder with my orgasm. With his free hand he unzips his pants.

His hard length springs free. He brings me close to the edge of the sink and quickly drives his hard length into my teasing softness.

I'm so wet it slides right in. He's average in length, but very thick. It feels so good. I wrap my legs around his waist and he lifts me up. Pressing me against the bathroom stall he starts pumping my softness. He starts saying what a dirty slut I am... playing a stranger in a bar. He asks me if I like this. I can only moan as he plunges deeper in me. He's grunting, about to cum. I start to get louder as I cum... feeling him explode inside of me. He leans in and kisses me. He cleans himself up, says thanks and heads back out. I finish cleaning up and go back to my friends. My girlfriend said she was about to send out a search party, what happened.

I saw the reserved drink shot glasses, looked over at my play buddy and said to my friend "Oh I just had to take care of some business".

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Submitted by : Anonymous
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