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A Burning Desire Part 4

In part 3 I'm being played in the soft place by Ron while sucking on Jay and Mike's big black juicy lengths. Ty is sitting on the couch watching his friend treat me liks the slut I want to be. Ron is slamming his big black length up my soft place so hard and fast that my balls are stinging from his slapping mine. I'm deep throating Mike's big black length. While Jay is yelling take those big black lengths you like black length whore you. I'm loven ever inch of black thingy inside me. Now I'm stroking Mike's length and Ron is playing the shit out of me. I feel Ron start to tense up and slam my soft place harder. He yells I'm going to cum you little white bicth. Ron pulls out and ripps the condom off. He then jams his length back up my tight soft place for two more long hard stroks. At wich time he grabs my hips and holds on while he blow the biggest load cum I have ever had in my soft place. I'm moaning and screamming with pleasure to cum in my soft place. Ron finnishes blowing his load and pulls out I roll over on to my back and ask was it good. Ron replies yes you are a good little black length whore. I than ask Jay to stick his big black snake inside me. Jay says you need to beg for this length bitch. I respond with please give me that big black length babby. I need that big thingy deep inside my soft place. I want that huge black length.

Jay says oh your going to get this big black length you slut.

I'm going to play the shit out of you.

Now I'm on my back with Mike jamming his length down my throat and Jay shoving his big thingy in my soft place. Ty is now stroking his length to get it hard. Ty asks his friend if he found a good little length whore which they reply with a loud yes. She will be very useful to us for awhile. I love the feel off these two big black guys using me like a big sexy cum slut. Jay is playing me even harder and faster then Ron did. I'm having a hard time keeping Mike's length in my mouth.

I'm in so much pleasure from this double penetration. While Jay is playing me I rap me legs around his waist. Mike just starts playing my face so hard his ball are slapping my chin.

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Submitted by : Anonymous
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