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I Wanted Him And He Knew It , Big Length Gang Bang Part 10

He was half way inside me I don't know how he did it but I was feeling so full that I was about to burst wide open, My softness was so tight that he kept pouring lube on me while I was sucking my new masters length I was also getting wet but I was pushing him out with my inner walls , my master was telling me I better take that length in my softness or he would let him play me in my soft place and I knew I could not take him there so I relaxed as much as possible and let him inside the rest of the way . I was moaning like crazy now and my master was getting the vibe from my mouth to his hard length inside my mouth he was telling me what a good length sucker I was and how he was going to make sure I was filled with length as much as possible. By now I was cumming like the slut warmth that I was being fill with length at both ends. I could not ask for anything more and I was in heaven and did not want it to end but this man was now slamming in me like the was no tomorrow and he pumped my warmth like it was made for his big length.

I was love it and my mater just them came in my mouth and told me take it you slut take all my cum whore just then the big lengthed man said " I cant take her tight private part any longer I am going to cum on the sluts face oh play take my cum you slut take it on your face.

He came on my face like a fire hose .

I was covered in cum as my master helped me up and went to get a towel for me to wipe so of the jism of me, he said lets go home slut we got a lot to clean up off of you.

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