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The Traveling Salesman

Well, I don't perse sell anything but I do travel a lot for my profession. Recently on a trip to New Hampshire.

I stayed at a nice hotel in which I decided to dine in due to a late arrival.

I noticed that my waitress was making some very good eye contact with me while taking my order. She stopped by the table several times and made sure I had everything I needed. Well I did notice that she had on a pair of black slacks that hid one of the better soft placees that I have observed on my many trips to New England. So I threw up a couple of fast balls to see if she would swing and she hit one of them out of the damn building. I asked what does a person do in New Hampshire for fun? Her reply was "lay in bed and make love as often and as long as possible".

Well me taking a hint invited her up to my room when she got off. Needless to say I have a very fond appreciation for New Hampshire and there are truly some nice looking women in New England contrary to popular belief. Now on my travels I have something to do besides work.

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