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If I Could Do One Thing Over

I can think of nothing I want more than to be on all fours, and getting a dildo in my soft place, a huge length in my softness, and another in my mouth... A chick under neath me, eating my swollen personal place all at the same time. I know I am a glutton, and I don't give a shit what anyone says. I think about that a lot, It gets me so wet, I need to finger play myself until I cum.

I want that so bad. The closet I have ever got to it, was my boyfriend at the time, bought a 12 inch dildo, and while on my hands and knees he stuffed it into my hot and tight wet softness warmth.

I felt so spread open that it tugged on my personal place giving me an instant gush of softness juices, that dripped out of me, and down through my softness hairs. Then he poured erotic oils down the crack of my soft place. As he saw my wet softness swollen, as if in bloom, and watched as the oil flowed past my soft place, he stuffed his hard length deep inside me, playing me as if it was my softness.

I spread my legs wide, while arching my back for the deepest possible penetration, and I watched the action from the mirror.

I was absolutely amazed at the fact that I was taking in a whole length deep inside my soft place. As I watched through the mirror, my finger between my legs, and rubbing my hard personal place. I began talking dirty, making him even harder and me closer to cumming.

" Yeah, Play that soft place", and " Treat me like the slut I am, oh yeah, I am such a bad girl, such a slutty bad girl, that loves to get played in every warmth".

With every word I got closer, and closer.

As I watched, and moaned, I felt it rising inside my hot wet softness, so deep, and strong. An orgasm that had my head spinning. All I could do was growl, and chant " Play Me, Play Me , Play Me HARD!!", like a mantra. At that very moment, I knew I was going to cum and told him.

" Ohh Shit baby, I gonna playin cum".

Whimpering, and bucking hard...

I was now screaming loud, he got all of that dildo in my snatch, and played me harder than I had ever had been played before. Beyond the point of moaning now, I began to growl like a bitch in heat, and making so much noise that he grabbed my soaking wet panties, and stuffed them in my mouth. I toyed and sucked on those panties like it was a girls wet personal place, sucking, and inhaleing the soaked softness juice on them. Leaning down lover my left shoulder, so I could watch every angle, and rub my swollen personal place, I felt his length swell twice the size inside me, and then I felt the singing twirl of an orgasim that takes you somewhere else.. As I watched in the mirror, his face blank, and his mouth open in what was a high pitched growl similar to my own and he continued to play me for what seemed like eternity, all the while cumming. .Pinching my nipple so hard that I could feel it along with the orgasim, I continued to buck, and grunt, as the last bit of the cum dripped from the depest pit of me. His length still deep into my soft place. I watched in the mirror.

Still echoing from the tremendious orgasim and fingering my personal place. Ass high in the air, and resting on my shoulder. When it was over, I was a shaking mess, and could not stand for an hour, then just like the old cliche, I feel asleep for a couple of hours. Oh man, oh man, If I had one thing in the world to do over again. That would definatly be it. But the only thing is I would tape it so I could watch it over and over again.

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Submitted by : Anonymous
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