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I Couldn't Help It

I couldn't help it! I moved into a condo complex just north of San Diego a year ago. I'm a single 48 year old woman, with a body that I work on four times a week at the gym.

I'm considered pretty hot for my age and still can turn teenagers heads if I wished. I've had several long term relationships and my last ended shortly before my move south from the LA area. I needed to clear my head and stay away from men. I had a pretty good set up, I worked all week, went to the gym and a few times a month my friend Brian from LA would come down and give me a good playing. The rest of the time I made due with a couple of very nice vibrators. My routine was simply, work, gym, eat on the run, shower and then my time with my toys. No hassles whatsoever.

One Saturday I noticed that there was a condo across the courtyard for sale. It was one of the units that faced the water so I thought I would check it out. It was very nice and I loved it.

I noticed the pictures on the desk were of the very handsome young man that I always saw in the parking lot.

His car and mine were soft placeigned side by side spots. I also noticed a fancy telescope in his bedroom. I asked the realtor about it and she said he worked at the local sky lab and was some kind of scientist. I also couldn't help but notice that the telescope was pointed across the courtyard.

A quick peek and I was astonished, it was pointed at my bedroom. I left in a hurry not knowing what to think. I first felt violated and was angry, I started to think about what this young man had seen.

He had to have seen me naked at night when I came from the shower and read my book on my bed and when I played with myself and when Brian visited. I was angry but also started to feel my softness get wet.

The thought of this man watching me was admittedly a bit of a turn on. I have always enjoyed it when men found me attractive and here I was in a situation where I was on display all the time. As the next few weeks went by I found my softness constantly wet as I walked around the house. I would check to see if my neighbor was home and if I thought he was watching I would give him a show. I used my vibrator more and more and would now leave the lights on all the time.

I would cum almost instantly thinking about this man watching me and playing with himself. Brian was due in and I couldn't wait to give this guy the show of his life.

When Brian arrived I told him the story and he was all for my scheme. We positioned ourselves across the bed so our friend could get a good view. We did 69 so my buddy could watch Brian's length disappear into my mouth and watch me ride Brian's face. We played all weekend in front of my window and it was great. My softness was mushy for a few days after Brian left. As much as I was enjoying all this I needed more. One day when I was leaving for work my buddy was at his car. I started a conversation with him and realized he was only about 25. He was a beautiful specimen.

Tall and very muscular. This made my softness all the more excited. Well it turned out that he was here on a temp soft placeignment and would be returning to Colorado in a month or so. He was engaged to a long time gf and was anxious about going home. I told him that I had gone to his open house and noticed his telescope.

He explained what he did for work and he was studying some galaxy far away or something.

I expressed some interest and he said that he was going out that night he was to watch a starburst in a field not far from the city lights and if I wanted to come after work I was welcome. I didn't commit myself but I did tell him I'd think about it and let him know later. He gave me his cell phone number and left. All day long I thought about this young man and those strong arms of his.

I thought about him watching me and stroking his length and my softness was melting. I knew I shouldn't do this but I couldn't help myself. There was no way I was not going out with him this evening. I was working myself up into a horny frenzy and couldn't wait to call and confirm out date.

He was pleased and we agreed to meet in the parking lot at 9 pm. I hurried home from work and took a shower, tonight for the first time in a long time, I completely closed my blinds. He wasn't getting a sneak peak of me. I was going to wow this young man when he saw me. I wore a short sun dress with buttons up the front. It scooped in the front to show off the top of my breasts. I made sure to smell clean and fresh, I oiled my thighs and unbuttoned a couple of buttons at both the top and bottom of my dress, this boy was going to understand the meaning of the word horny before the night was over. I put on some heals and went out the door.

He met me with a tank top on that showed those arms and shorts and sandals. He looked great and I'd begun to wonder who was going to teach who about horniness. As we drove along in his convertible I could see him checking my legs out. I loved it. My dress had split half way up my thighs and he was getting an eye full of my upper inner leg. I'm sure if he knew just up my thigh a few inches was a very wet, bare softness he would have been even more interested. As we arrived at this field it was a beautiful night. Lots of stars and total darkness around us.

We were all alone that was for sure and it was very romantic with the top down. I was a total mess.

I wanted to jump this boy and play his brains. But I also was aware that he was engaged and was at least 20 years younger than me. He began to talk about his gf and how she was the only gf he ever had. He said he was very inexperienced and was hesitant about getting married. The more he talked the more innocent he appeared. For a second I seemed ashamed of myself for having the thoughts I did. Then he said he had a confession to make, he admitted to watching me through my window. He said that he had gotten so lonely and that I was so pretty that he couldn't help himself. I pretended to be mad but this talk was making me very, very horny. He then said something that I couldn't believe. He said he masturbated while watching me. I asked if he liked what he saw and he said he sure did. He said that he had never seen a mature woman naked before me and that it made him nuts considering he had been away from his gf for so long.

I then admitted that the whole idea kind of made me horny too. He seemed shocked that I wasn't mad at him. I then put my legs up on his dash and put my seat back down. I unbuttoned my dress from the bottom slowly until I had completely unbuttoned my dress and it fell to the sides exposing my naked body. I spread my legs slowly and began to rub my personal place. He sat there silent and unzipped his fly. Out popped a wonderfully thick length with a head on it that was like this huge mushroom.

As he stroked it, it began to grow and thick veins were growing on each side. I came in just about thirty seconds and he began to breath heavy almost right away as well. Cum shot up from his beautiful length all over his belly.

I reached over and ran my finger up the side of his length and took the cum that had landed there into my mouth. It was delicious.

I love cum in my mouth. I then gently put my mouth to his length and toyed up all of the cum that was still clinging to him. I sucked the big head into my mouth and toyed him dry. He was moaning loudly saying that his gf had never put his thingy into her mouth. I told him it was my pleasure and that his gf didn't know what she was missing. After that we watched the starburst and went home without much mention of what happened. As we walked to our respective condos he told me that he goes out into the field a lot of nights and that I was welcome at any time. Well needless to say I visited with my friend frequently until he went home. Occasionally we would meet at his place and we would sit in recliners facing each other.

He would stare at my softness and jerk his meat and I would use my vibrator and watch his length pulsate when he shot his load. But mostly we saw each other we would always park in the same place and we always masturbated ourselves to a climax. He figured this wasn't really cheating all that bad and it was so erotic. Sometimes he would run his hands all over me and play with my softness and tits until I came and sometimes I would jerk him off or suck his thick length after he came. We loved our little stargazing and parking game. My softness was constantly on fire thinking about this young man.

On his last night here I told him that I needed a little different ending. So I climbed over to his drivers seat and lowered myself onto that huge lengthhead.

I rode him until he shot a huge load of cum into my softness. His length felt so good as that big head made its way into my softness that I exploded with an orgasm of my own. I told him that was a little pre-wedding gift and I thanked him for his attention. But it also made me regret that I hadn't sat on that length before that night. It isn't often that an older lady gets to play with such a young hunk or feel such a fine piece of meat slide into her. I still think about him as I stick my vibrator in me and wish that a new young neighbor will move in and I can find a new playmate. we're really a couple...

can't figure out how to change the image at the left

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