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Bad Manager

I work in the northern suburbs for a large company where I manage a couple of projects. I've made some great friends at work, but nothing like what happened to me Tuesday night. I'll admit I'm more of a hang out with the guys type of person at work.. I go to lunch with the same crew tend to joke around and talk sports at the water cooler. I manage projects where I deal with both sexes but like I said mostly I'm friendly with the guys.

Some I hang out with outside of work.

That was until a couple of weeks ago a new hire was soft placeigned to my team. Every guy should admit that we size up every woman who walks into a room..

I'm no different and this new hire was hot. To protect the Innocent I'll call her Kelly. I noticed but I treated her like all my other employees that I manage.

I set her up with a coach, checked in on her progress and let her know I was available if she had any questions. She hit the ground running and was a very good team member.

She picked up everything very quickly and had a great whit about her as well. She's a big baseball fan and we go back and forth all the time about her team and mine.

So in short she was becoming a friend. Well as it would happen we grabbed some drinks after work Tuesday and hooked up that night at my place.

As her manager project manager not her career manager I try to justify that somehow that I wasn't completely wrong here. It was mutual for sure. We hooked up again on Wednesday.

So now it's kind of a thing..

but I'm 30 she's all of 23 just out of school and I don't see it going anywhere.. but it's sure fun.. Now to the fun part.. and what everyone wants is to describe the sex..

First set the dimensions on Kelly.. She sports the sexy librarian black rimmed glasses, wavy brunette hair, with curves that make you crazy.. and did I mention 23? So perky everything and in great shape.

That first night was kind of strange but I could sense she was into me so I asked her back to my place. Once inside the door we didn't even say a word.. The door shut and we were kissing each other. Taking clothes off as we made our way to the bedroom.. She pushed me back on the bed unzipped my pants and started to tickle my length . It was like a porn movie in my room..

She started to play with herself as she sucked me, and as a side note that was REALLY hot!! Her pants were unzipped with her hand pleasuring herself on her knees. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up to the bed..

Pulled off her pants to see a string thong.. under 30 rule is still holding true for that. Lowered her panties to she her perfect shaved softness.. so tight and wet..

I dove my tongue into it playing with her personal place... she was moving all over the bed. I couldn't take it any longer I had to get inside her. Our eyes met for an instant and then she shut them as I entered her. A sexy mmmm was purred from her lips as she grabbed my soft place pushing my length into her further.. we went from missionary to her on top to doggie style.. Well I came once in there I'll admit, but I was right back on the horse in 5 minutes..

This girl is a dream sexually..

BUT don't think there is anything there but sex.. which I don't mind. Very much in line with my wants here. Funny that I find it easier in life than from a sex website designed for it.. But who really meets the people they talk to here? I've had one invite.. that hasn't panned out. I just want to end with Sex with hot women never gets old. The strange thing is I've had sex with lots of hot women, but they are all younger than me or my age.. I still want to fulfill my hot older woman fantasy..

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Submitted by : Anonymous
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