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Thankful For Corpus Christi

I wish I could go back to Corpus Christi. I was there on business a few years ago, at exactly this time of year. I had communicated online through this site with a nice older woman who was quite sexually hungry, and we agreed to meet once I got into town. After my first day's meetings, she called me at my hotel room and said she was coming to pick me up. In front of the hotel, I hopped into her car and we drove about 30 minutes from the waterfront to her house inland.

A nice, quiet and modest little home. She got me a drink of soda, introduced me to her cat, and then led me into the bedroom. For a woman who is almost 60...

she was amazing.

Her breasts were firm and ripe, and her reaction to our lovemaking was awesome. I had her teasing softness for a pre-Thanksgiving appetizer, until she begged for my length. I quickly pushed her onto her back, but she made me switch positions with her and she slid a nice-tight softness onto my shaft and started to pump up and down. Her breasts were a perfect fit for me.

After a minute or two, she begged me to cum inside her, which I gladly agreed to do.

After I was done, she collapsed, exhausted next to me, and we lay there and kissed and stroked each other for about a half-an hour.

I didn't get to see her again before I left town, but I sure wish I had another trip scheduled for Corpus Christi.
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Submitted by : Anonymous
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