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Take This Harlot Away From Me

!" he bellowed. Several people soft placeisted her. A couple of the church elders who had either overheard or been told about the conversation copped a feel off of the staggering beauty.

Brad was called away from the softball game to take control of his errant wife while the Right Reverend Pointer jumped in his car to rendezvous with Ginny. He drove the fifty miles at a breakneck speed fighting off an attack of "blue balls" which threatened to emasculate him for the rest of the night. Charolette had never drank a drop of alcohol since that time but still, Brad wouldn't forgive her. He, a highly respected church deacon, insurance salesman and rising politician was now forced to consider relocating away from the community that had nurtured him throughout his duplicitous life. Things would never be the same, especially since the part about his not being endowed had reached his ears. He was a laughing or pitying stock in Wolvertown, South Carolina.

His soft placeociates seemed to discipline their wives but he had failed. So much for his male prowess! Imagine! A man who can't even control his own wife! That's pathetic! Charolette had found it difficult to leave the house in order to shop.

Their church activities ceased while awaiting the closing on their home. It's impossible to describe the anguish Charolette felt during those two months before the move to New Jersey and for many more after they had arrived.

Again, they became active in a local church.

This time it was a more evangelistic organization. Being outside the main stream of Protestantism, this church had two advantages: The men, themselves, being even more likely to stray, were, consequently, even more strict about the activities of their "womenfolk, " and, secondly, there was less chance of running into someone from the previous parish. Brad got a job at an insurance home office. He was politically adroit and during the subsequent decade, started rising through the organizational ranks. His charm, coupled with a total lack of ethics enabled him to enhance his status enough to provide him with the respect and mistresses he had previously enjoyed. In addition to his executive status at Mendacious Life and Casualty Company, he became a lay preacher, voracious womanizer and eloquent anti-abortionist, possibly helping to prevent having his own illegitimate offspring aborted. Through perseverance, Brad had re-established a position in society whereby he could better victimize his less wily friends, soft placeociates, and family members. Charolette knew that this relocation was her last chance.

If she wanted to share in the rearing of their six year old son, Lawrence, she'd better deal with her problems and do so a lot more effectively. Again, she relied upon church activities. She formed the Young Virgins for Christ, a chastity support group and had drifted into political action groups.

Her favorite fights were against sex education and abortion.

When not doing all of these, she went door to door bringing the "Word of The Lord" to benighted suburban sinners.

Walking from house to house she fantasized about naked men opening the door, lifting her in their strong arms and running upstairs while passionately kissing her. Each time an attractive man answered the door, her private part would get moist as she made her pitch for Christ with dewy, glistening eyes.

There was usually a sexual release after her Saturday morning evangelizing. She stored up memories of any signs of debauchery in the homes she visited. For example, bottles and glasses, some with lipstick marks, that might have been left out from Friday night triggered suspicions of drunken revelry. Articles of clothing on the floor were enough to curtail her ministry for the day and send her rushing home to lock herself in the bathroom for an hour. One time, she really hit pay dirt, there were bottles and glasses and underclothes everywhere, an adult game on the table and a blowup doll with a round warmth in its crotch! She bolted from the house and headed straight home in order to masturbate herself into several small orgasms fervently wishing she had been at that party. ---------------------------------------------- The coffee was making her feel better, yet sort of strange. This man seemed very nice. Perhaps he could be brought into the fold.

She would try her best to convert him.
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