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College Bound MILF Ch. 01

Clara and I had a blast.

The kid she was dancing with was totally cute, and my date wasn't so bad either. Yeah my husband and I have had our ups and downs, but he's been a lot of fun lately.

He sensed something was down in the marriage and became really exciting and new. It was like I was with a totally different man, and that totally turns me on.

Clara and I walked through the parking lot to our car which Cameron was supposed to be starting. The kid Clara met at the club was following us out, putting his number into her phone and whispering things into hear ear making her giggle

Out of nowhere, I felt someone or something on my arm and was pulled into an alley. Our car mustn't have been more than a hundred feet away, and here I am in a dark alley with strange hands on my body.

I started to scream, but then felt familiar lips on my neck.

It was my husband, once again surprising me.

I knew Clara wouldn't mind alone time with her new hunk, and Cam's hands already on my bare ass told me that I would not regret staying here for the rest of this.

The scream I was about to let out turned into a moan as I felt my tiny panties being torn down my legs and my back coming in contact with the brick wall behind me. My husband's dick was hard and out of his pants as his lips assaulted my neck, alternating sides. God, he always hits the right spot.

My pussy is soaked at this point, just the thought of being fucked in this alley downtown would have me wet, but knowing that my previously square husband was being the bold fuck-in-public type was just too much for me.

As he put every last inch of his cock inside me, I almost came immediately, but he knew he wanted this to last and eased the pressure so we could enjoy everything together.

He whispered in my ear how bad he wanted me while we had been dancing in the club and that he couldn't wait to get home.

"I hope your sis doesn't mind. That other boy seemed to have her interest anyway."

"Mmmmm yeah she can handle herself. She won't be having as much fun as... oooo." Before I could get the words out, he pumped extra hard and made my ass smack the brick walls and my pussy quiver.

I started moaning louder, waiting for him to really give it to me. He likes to go slow at first to build things up and get him caught up to me. He has great stamina, so it's not a surprise when I cum first. It's when his hands slide to the bottom of my ass and grab on for dear life that I know about to get fucked and fucked well.

He finally grabs on, and I almost lose control from knowing what's coming.

He puts a kiss on my lips and then one on my neck as he begins to piston in and out of me harder and harder. His dick isn't overly huge, but it's just right to hit my g-spot on most thrusts-- especially when he rolls his hips and when we're fucking standing up, which we definitely are in this nasty alley.

He starts panting and moaning, and I know we're almost there.

I tilt my head back and let out a moan only to see Clara giggle and leave the alley, her boy leading her by the hand.

I smile and laugh a little, then my mind is jerked back to reality by his finger pressing my asshole. I can't take it anymore and start to lose control. He is too, I can tell, his thrusts are quicker and deeper. He keeps his dick inside me to keep me full, but thrusts harder to make my nerves spasm.

He's always been a great lay.

As my mind is overcome by the sensations coming from my ass, neck and pussy, a huge vibration goes through my body. I start to come hard on his cock, and I can feel him cumming deep inside me.

I moan as I ride out the last waves of this orgasm. As he thrusts in me two last times, he sets me down but has to hold me up. My legs get a little weak after a good fuck.

He zips his pants and smiles, walking out of the alley without saying a word. Those are the best, the sex that doesn't need explanation or thanks.

I follow him, step into the car and smile at my all-knowing sister. Her boy is long gone, but mine will be here all night.

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Submitted by : Anonymous
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