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Don't Tell Eric Ch. 01

It was a beautiful Friday morning in late May as Amy Davis sat in the audience at her son Eric's high school graduation ceremony. As she watched him walk across the stage to get his diploma she was filled with pride and also a bit of sadness. For Amy the day marked the successful completion of her job of raising her son Eric.

In every respect Eric had become a man. He had turned 18 a few months earlier...he was well adjusted...he'd never been in trouble with the law...and now he had graduated from high school. He'd even been accepted to a good college and would soon be on his way to living his own life. It seemed to Amy as if he didn't need her anymore.

Tears of joy and tears of sorrow ran down Amy's cheeks as she thought about her son not needing her anymore. She had sacrificed a lot and worked very hard over the years to be able to afford to send Eric to a very expensive private school on the 'rich' side of town. They weren't exactly poor, but as a single mother it was difficult at times for Amy to afford the private school. Amy felt strongly though that the private schools would be much better for Eric than public school.

As she watched him get his diploma Amy knew that her son was more than worth the effort she had made.

When the graduation ceremony ended Amy pushed her way through the crowd trying to find Eric. When she found him she wasn't surprised to find him standing with his 5 best friends Mike, Lucas, Kyle, Jeff, and Troy.

"Eric...congratulations sweetie." Amy said.

She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Oh come on're embarrassing me in front of the guys." Eric said.

Amy pulled away from Eric.

"I'm sorry Eric...I don't mean to embarrass you...I'm just so proud of you sweetheart. If your dad were here he'd be proud of you too." Amy said.

Eric smiled.

"You always say that mom." Eric said.

"I always say it because it's always true Eric. He'd be just as proud of you as I am. You did it kiddo." Amy said.

Amy hugged Eric again.

"Hey mom...the guys and I were talking...would it be okay if we have a pool party at the house tomorrow?" Eric asked.

" problem...though I don't know why you guys always want to have your parties at our house with our little pool with the huge custom built pools at some of your houses." Amy said.

"I think it probably has something to do with your willingness to let us drink at your house Mrs. Davis." Jeff said.

"Yes...well if you're having a party tomorrow I guess I'd better stop off to stock up supplies...on my way home. How many people were you planning on having over?" Amy asked.

"Not too many...probably 15-20 at most." Eric said.

"Okay...I'll be sure to get enough alcohol for a party that size, but you guys are going to pass the hat to pay for it...I can't afford to just buy that much alcohol on my own." Amy said.

"Don't worry about it Mrs. Davis...we'll take up a collection and get you more than enough money to cover it." Lucas said.

The next day was a Saturday and Eric and his friends had a pool party in Amy's backyard. The party started in the early afternoon and after the first hour or so Amy came out the back door in a bikini. She walked over to where Eric and his friends were sitting.

"I hope you boys don't mind me being out here, but I want to be sure things don't get out of hand." Amy said.

"We never mind having you out here with us Mrs. Davis. You're way cooler about this than any of our parents." Mike said.

"Yeah, grab yourself a drink and join the party." Jeff said.

Amy grabbed a beer, walked over beside the pool, and sat in a chair and alongside some of the girls that had come to the party. She knew the girls from all of the other parties she'd hosted for Eric's friends so she easily joined in on their conversation with them as they talked about their plans for the summer and what college they were going to go to in the fall.

The party lasted all afternoon, but as the sun started going down people started leaving and soon everyone but Eric's friends had left. They all gathered around one table with Amy.

"We can't thank you enough for letting us have this party Mrs. Davis...everyone had a great time." Jeff said.

"It was my pleasure guys. You guys have one last summer together before you're all off to college so you should enjoy it. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing wrong with having some fun as long as things don't get out of control. Well...I'm gonna head inside and grab a shower. I hope you guys will be nice and help Eric clean up the mess you made, and be careful driving home." Amy said.

"We will Mrs. Davis." All 5 guys say together.

Amy stood up to go inside.

"Oh...Mrs. Davis...we almost forgot. Here's the money to cover the alcohol." Mike said.

He got up and grabbed a wad of cash out of his bag and handed it to Amy. Amy started counting the money.

"There's quite a bit more here than I spent on the alcohol for this party." Amy said.

"Consider the rest of it a tip for being so cool and letting us have so many parties here over the past few years." Kyle said.

"Well...thank you boys." Amy said.

Amy headed inside and the guys helped Eric clean up the party; then they left. Amy had showered, changed, and was in her office working on her computer by the time Eric came inside.

"Thanks again for letting us have the party here today mom." Eric said.

"You're welcome sweetie. In just a few short months you will all head off to college and start living different lives. I hope that you have as much fun as possible together this summer so you'll have great memories to look back on years from now. Do you want me to make you some dinner?" Amy asked.

"Nah...I had plenty to eat at the party." Eric said.

"Okay sweetie." Amy said.

The Monday night after the pool party, Eric went over to Lucas' house to hang out with the guys. For the first few hours they all sat around drinking talking about normal things...then the conversation changed.

"So Eric...when are we gonna have another pool party over at your place?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know man...we seem to have all of our parties at my've all got pools...why doesn't one of you throw the party?" Eric asked.

"'s got to be at your place Eric." Kyle said.

"Why does it have to be at my place? Is it because my mom lets us drink?" Eric asked.

"That's part of it, but the main reason we have to have the party at your house is because your mom would be there." Lucas said.

"You want to have the party at my house because of my mom?" Eric asked.

"Yeah...every time we all hang out by your pool your mom comes out with us." Troy said.

"So?" Eric asked.

"Dude...she comes out and sits by the pool with us in her bikini...looking fine as hell." Mike said.

"Hey man...that's my mom you're talking about." Eric said.

"She's your mom man...she ain't our mom...which means we can look at her and talk about her and she's a fucking MILF." Jeff said.

"Shut up Jeff." Eric said.

"What? She is a serious MILF buddy...hell you know that. You see her every day; surely you've noticed how hot she is." Kyle said.

"Shut the hell up about my mom! I'm serious." Eric said.

" should be proud to have a MILF like that as your mom. Just look at my mom." Mike said.

"Or're lucky." Kyle said.

"Can we stop talking about my mom please?" Eric asked.

"Dude...I would hit that so fucking hard." Lucas said.

"You're talking about my mom man...that's not cool." Eric said.

"Dude I would give anything to fuck your mom Eric." Troy said.

Eric was really pissed off.

"Shut up right fucking now!" Eric said.

"I'm serious man...anything...just name it." Troy said.

"Yeah...I would too. Eric, your mom is the hottest woman I've ever seen man." Mike said.

"She has MILF written all over her fine ass." Jeff said.

"I've wanted to fuck her since 7th grade." Kyle said.

"Knock it off guys. I'm getting seriously pissed off." Eric said.

"She touched my cock once." Lucas said.

The other guys looked at Lucas.

"Bullshit." Troy said.

"No...she did. When we were little she would baby-sit me. Eric and I played in the mud in the backyard and got filthy as hell so she gave me a bath." Lucas said.

"That don't fuckin' were just a little kid." Jeff said.

"It's more than you've ever got from her." Lucas said.

"Fuck what we've got from's what we want from her. What's it gonna take Eric?" Mike asked.

"For what?" Eric asked.

"For us to fuck your much will it cost us?" Mike asked.

Eric was completely blown away.

"I don't fucking believe this." Eric said.

"Believe it much will it cost us to fuck her? $300? $500? Am I getting close?" Troy asked.

"You guys are fucking assholes...I'm out of here." Eric said.

Eric had heard enough so he got up and stormed out and headed home.

Amy could see that Eric was upset as soon as he walked in the door. She also noticed that it was way earlier than he normally got home from a night out with his friends.

"What's the matter sweetie?" Amy asked.

"Nothing." Eric said.

"Don't give me that...what is it?" Amy asked.

Amy motioned for Eric to sit down next to her...he slumped his shoulders and then sat down beside her.

"So what's wrong?" Amy asked.

"It's the guys...they were talking about something really pissed me off. They've been talking about it off and on for a long time, but tonight was different. Tonight they went way too far." Eric said.

"Well knowing them the way I do and given the fact that they're 18 year old guys I'd bet that whatever they were talking about had something to do with sex. What were they talking about that upset you?" Amy asked.

"It's not...I really don't want to talk about it mom." Eric said.

Eric went to get up, but Amy held on to him.

"Eric sweetheart...I can't stand to see you this upset. You can talk to me about anything Eric...please tell me what's wrong." Amy said.

Eric looked at his mom and sighed.

" isn't so much what they were talking about that bothers was who they were talking about and how they were talking about her that bothers me." Eric said.

"Who were they talking about? Is it a girl that you like or something? Is it a female friend of yours? Who is it?" Amy asked.

Eric tried his best to hold it back but he couldn't stop himself.

"You...okay...they were talking about you." Eric said.

Amy was surprised.

"Me? Your friends were talking about a sexual way?" Amy asked in disbelief.

"Yes. They say you're a MILF." Eric said.

"A what?" Amy asked.

"A MILF." Eric said.

"What is a MILF? I don't know that word." Amy said.

"It means a Mother I'd Like to sex with." Eric said.

Amy was shocked...she'd never heard the word MILF before...and she was shocked that her son's friends thought of her like that.

"Oh my goodness. So they were all talking openly about wanting to have sex with me...and that's what's bothering you right now?" Amy asked.

Eric nodded.

"Yes, but it's not just gets worse." Eric said.

"There's more? What else could there be that would be worse than that for you?" Amy asked.

Eric took a deep breath.

"They kept asking me how much." Eric said.

"How much what?" Amy asked.

"They wanted to know how much money they would have to give me to let them have sex with you." Eric said.

Amy's jaw dropped open...she was completely blown away...her son's friends were asking him how much money they would have to pay Eric in order for them to have sex with her.

"Oh my god. Do you believe them? I mean do you think they're serious about offering you money for that? Or do you think they were just giving you a hard time?" Amy asked.

"I think they were very serious. They've given me a hard time about things before...this is nothing like that. They even asked about specific prices. They offered $300 or $500." Eric said.

"They offered you as much as $500 so they could have sex with me?" Amy asked.

"Yes." Eric said.

"Oh Eric...I'm so sorry that they did that." Amy said.

Amy hugged Eric and for a few minutes they both remained silent.

"I'm sorry mom." Eric said.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about Eric. You haven't done anything wrong." Amy said.

She held Eric for a while longer before he pulled away from her.

"Are you gonna be okay sweetie?" Amy asked.

"Yeah...I think I'm going to go to bed." Eric said.

"Okay." Amy said.

After Eric had gone upstairs Amy sat on the couch letting what Eric had told her sink in. She was shocked that her son's 18 year old friends all seemed to want to have sex with her. Amy did consider herself attractive; she'd been asked out by several men close to her own age over the past few years...she'd never even considered that guys her son's age would be interested in her.

Amy took great pride in taking good care of herself. She ate right and worked out regularly and she felt that she looked a good deal younger than her true age of 38. Amy was tall for a woman at 5'8" with long legs, a nice ass, a smooth flat tummy, and D cup breasts.

Amy found herself sitting there thinking about Eric's friends. She had known them since they were little kids and to some extent that's how she still saw them. She had never once thought about any of them in a sexual way...after hearing that they were interested in her sexually however...she couldn't help thinking about them that way. Over the past several years Amy had seen them all wearing nothing but bathing suits by her pool a number of times. She had to admit...they were all good looking young men.

As she sat there thinking about Eric's friends Amy couldn't help but think about how long it had been since she had been with a man. Amy had been widowed by a drunk driver 14 years earlier when Eric was 4 just years old and she hadn't been with a man since her husband died.

Amy began remembering making love to her brought back good memories. Slowly her husband's face was replaced by the faces of Eric's friends. Amy was amazed at the feeling of butterflies in her stomach...and the tingling even she thought about having sex with Eric's friends.

After not having sex for so long the thought of having 5 young guys wanting to have sex with her excited Amy. The idea of having men less than half her age want to have sex with her so badly that they were willing to pay her for it excited her too.

"Could I actually do that?" Amy asked herself.

Over the next several days Amy spent a lot of time thinking about what Eric had told her. She thought about Eric's friends. She thought about sex. She thought about getting paid to have sex with Eric's friends.

Eric went to hang out with his friends every night during the week, but he came home very early and very angry every night. There was no need to talk about it...Amy knew why.

By Friday night Amy had made a decision and she was determined to get Eric's friends to stop giving him a hard time one way or the other. She wasn't quite sure when she'd have the opportunity to talk to them, but she knew that she had to do it soon. Amy took a load of clean laundry upstairs, took a shower, and got dressed. When she came downstairs she saw Eric sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Aren't you going out with your friends tonight sweetie?" Amy asked.

"What's the point? If I go over to Lucas' tonight they're just going to ask me how much it will cost them to have sex with you again. That will get me pissed at them and I'll come home. Besides...I'm going to grandpa and grandma's this weekend and I want to get an early start tomorrow morning so I plan to turn in early." Eric said.

Amy saw her chance...she knew where the 5 guys would be...and she knew Eric wouldn't be there.

"Okay. I think I'm gonna go out for a's been kind of a strange week." Amy said.

"Okay. Have fun." Eric said.

"Oh...I'm sure I will. Don't wait up." Amy said.

Amy walked out to her car and drove away. She drove across town into an expensive neighborhood. She pulled up in front of a house she'd been to several times over the years. She parked by the curb, got out of her car, and walked around the back. Out by the pool, exactly where she figured she'd find them, Amy found Eric's friends Troy, Kyle, Jeff, Lucas, and Mike sitting around talking.

The guys saw her walking towards them and they all got quiet.

"Good evening Mrs. Davis. Eric isn't here." Lucas said.

"I know that. I'm here to talk to you guys." Amy said.

"Talk to us about what?" Mike asked.

"I know that the 5 of you have been giving Eric a hard time lately and I'm here because I want it to stop." Amy said.

"What? What did he tell you? We haven't been bothering him about anything." Troy said.

"Oh really? So you haven't been constantly asking Eric how much it will cost you to have sex with me?" Amy asked.

The 5 guys all had the deer in the headlights look for a moment.

"Are you kidding? We'd never do something like that. He's just trying to get us in trouble." Kyle said.

"Yeah." Jeff said.

Amy laughed.

"I'm not buying that for one second guys. Remember...I have a son your age...I can tell when you're lying, and it is written all over your faces. I'm tired of you guys bothering Eric about this, you're supposed to be his friends, so I'm here to put an end to it." Amy said.

"What do you mean put an end to it?" Mike asked.

Amy had a very serious expression on her face as she looked at the 5 young men.

"What I'm about to say doesn't leave the 6 of us do you hear me? If you spread it around I'll simply deny it and it will ruin things for everyone. $1,000 apiece." Amy said.

"$1,000 apiece for what?" Troy asked.

"You all wanted to know how much it would cost you to have sex with me. The answer is that it will cost you $1,000 each. Remember though; you can't tell anyone...especially not Eric...about anything that happens. So if this happens there will be absolutely no bragging to your friends about doing Mrs. Davis. This offer is only open to the 5 of you and nobody else." Amy said.

The 5 guys sat silently for a few minutes.

"Are you for real?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah...are you serious or are you just messing with us?" Jeff asked.

"I'm very serious. For $1,000 cash I will have sex with you. The question isn't whether or not I am serious. The question is...were you guys serious about being willing to pay to have sex with me?" Amy asked.

The guys stared at Amy dumbfounded for a moment.

"Hell yes we were least I was." Troy said.

"Me too, but the price seems a little high." Mike said.

"Oh it does? Well that's too bad because if you want to have sex with me that's what you'll have to pay. I'm not some cheap street walking slut. You all come from rich families and have more than enough to pay me $1,000 to have sex with you and if I'm going to do it I won't accept anything less than that amount. Does anyone think that is unreasonable? Do any of you think I'm a cheap slut?" Amy asked.

"No...of course not...none of us think you're a cheap slut. Mike's an idiot...I think $1,000 sounds just fine." Jeff said.

"How about the rest of you...Mike?" Amy asked.

"I apologize...$1,000 will be fine." Mike said.

"How about the rest of you?" Amy asked.

The other guys all agreed that $1,000 sounded fine.

"Good. You're serious...I'm've all agreed to the now we need to talk about the rules." Amy said.

"What kind of rules?" Kyle asked.

"First off...and it is absolutely vital...nobody knows about this but us. You can't tell anyone about what we're doing under any circumstances...especially not Eric. If I hear that you've been bragging about it...or talking about it where people overhear you...or anything like that I'll deny it and it will all be over. If Eric somehow finds out it will definitely be over. Secondly it will be done on my schedule at locations of my choosing. If you want to have sex with me you will have to do it when it is convenient for me...not when it is convenient for you. I won't be some call girl that you can just call up any time you want to fuck. Third there will be no pictures or videos or anything like that so don't even ask for any. Fourth...when it comes to the sex itself I'm in charge so don't try to boss me around in bed. If you try to get bossy with me or if you get rough with me its over. Fifth each of our...dates...will last as long as I want it to shorter. If all I want is one quick fuck that's all it will be. If all I want is to do oral that's all it will be. Then again...if I want it to last all weekend...that's how it will be too. You will accept whatever I want to do without complaining or it's over. Sixth...there will be no all have a good deal of money and already agreed to the its $1,000 per exceptions. If you don't have the don't have the mommy. Seventh you guys have to stop giving Eric a hard time. He's your friend...he's been your friend all your lives...act like it. You need to apologize to him for giving him such a hard time about wanting to fuck me and you need to get him to hang out with you again. That will work to our benefit...if he's hanging out with some of you guys...he won't be at my house...making it easier for me to have one of you pay me a visit. Are there any questions about the rules?" Amy asked.

There were no questions.

"Okay then...its Friday night and you all look like you want to jump me right now, but which one of you is man enough and more importantly has the cash to be first?" Amy asked.

The guys all pulled out their money and started counting.

"God damn it...I've only got $300 on me." Troy said.

"I've only got $650." Lucas said.

"I've got $1, I'm glad I didn't swing by to get my pot yet." Jeff said.

Jeff fanned out the bills proving that he had $1,000 cash...showing it to Amy. She took it and counted it out to be sure it was all there.

" looks like you'll be my 'date' tonight Jeff." Amy said.

"Then let's get over to your place." Jeff said.

"Easy there Jeff...Eric is at my house right now. It would be a little awkward if we showed up and asked him to leave so we could have sex. You guys need to call him and tell him that you want to apologize to him for giving him such a hard time lately. Have him come over here and get him to drink with you and hang out for a couple of hours while Jeff and I go have some fun. Oh and if Eric leaves here before Jeff calls Jeff's cell phone so Jeff will be able to leave and I'll have a chance to clean up before Eric gets home." Amy said.

Troy dialed Eric's cell phone.

"Hello?" Eric asked.

"Hey's Troy." Troy said.

"What do you want?" Eric asked.

"Me and the guys were talking...we've been ribbing you pretty hard about your mom lately. We didn't really mean it and we're sorry. Why don't you come over to Lucas' place and hang out with us? We promise that we're done giving you a hard time about your mom." Troy said.

"Okay...I'll be right over, but if you guys say one word about my mom..." Eric said.

"Don't worry man...we won't. See you in a few minutes." Troy said.

He hung up.

"Okay...he's on his way." Troy said.

"Then let's get going." Jeff said.

Jeff and Amy got in their cars and took the long way to Amy's house so they didn't pass Eric on the way. Jeff got a text message letting them know that Eric had arrived at Lucas' house so they pulled into Amy's driveway knowing Eric wasn't home.

They went inside and headed straight to the bedroom. They were both nervous as they sat down on the edge of the bed.

" do you want to do this?" Amy asked.

"What do you mean? I thought you said that you were in charge." Jeff said.

"I am, but this is my first time whoring myself to someone and I'm a little nervous. On the way over here I decided that if you've been lusting after me for a long time like you all claimed you probably have a scene in your head of how you'd get might make things easier for me and more fun for both of us to play that out...assuming it doesn't involve anything public or anything like that. did you get me in your fantasies?" Amy asked.

"Well...I've wanted to see you naked for as long as I can remember. I have even slipped into your room a few times over the years while you were in the shower hoping that you'd left the bathroom door open just a bit so I could catch a peak at you. I was never lucky enough to catch you, but I've fantasized about it a lot." Jeff said.

"So you want to catch me in the shower?" Amy asked.

"Yeah...yeah that would be great." Jeff said.

" go get into the shower and then you sneak into my bathroom, watch me through the glass shower door for a while, and then slip into the shower with me or something?" Amy asked.

"Yeah...that would be awesome." Jeff said.

"Okay...that sounds simple enough to me. Wait out here for a few minutes so I can go in there and get ready. Oh and when you do come in, bring your phone so we can hear it if it rings." Amy said.

Amy got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. She closed the door most of the way, but left it open just a crack so that it wouldn't latch closed. She walked over to the large walk in shower, opened the glass door turned on the water to get it warmed up.

Amy stood looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"Am I really going to do this?" Amy asked herself quietly.

She looked at herself for a minute or so and then her mind returned to the tingling between her legs and the butterflies in her stomach.

"Yes...I'm doing this." Amy said to herself.

She slowly got undressed; carefully placing her clothes up on the counter by the sink. Amy looked at her naked reflection in the mirror; then she turned towards the shower, opened the door, and stepped into the steamy spray.

The heat of the water and the steamy air surrounding her only enhanced Amy's growing arousal. When Amy was thoroughly wet from head to toe she took a deep breath.

" we go. OKAY...I'M READY WHEN YOU ARE!" Amy yelled.

Jeff had been craning his ear towards the bathroom door listening for Amy's signal. When he heard it he jumped up from the bed and quickly stripped out of all of his clothes.

When he was completely naked Jeff grabbed his cell phone, walked to the bathroom door, quietly pushed it open, and stepped inside. He quietly closed and locked the door behind him before turning his attention to the shower.

The air in the bathroom was filled with steam, but Jeff could easily see Amy through the glass wall of the shower. The water streaking down the glass as well as the steam distorted his view slightly, but that didn't matter to Jeff. For a few minutes Jeff stood and watched her wash her body.

After several minutes Jeff put his cell phone on the counter and stepped quietly towards the shower door. He reached out his hand and slowly pulled the handle...opening the shower door. Amy turned and acted surprised to see him...she covered herself with her hands.

"Jeff...what are you doing in here? You aren't supposed to be in here. Get out of here." Amy said.

"You don't want me to go." Jeff said.

"Yes I do." Amy said.

"Your brain says go...but your body says stay." Jeff said.

Amy had lowered her hands revealing her fully nude body to Jeff. He looked her up and down carefully taking in every last detail. After a few minutes of ogling Amy's body Jeff stepped into the shower closing the door behind him.

" shouldn't be in here." Amy said.

"Mrs. are absolutely gorgeous...even more beautiful than I imagined." Jeff said.

"Thank you Jeff, that's nice of you to say, but I know I don't compare to girls your age." Amy said.

"I'm bored with girls Mrs. Davis...what I want is a" Jeff said.

He kissed her and took her in his arms.

" shouldn't be kissing isn't right." Amy said.

"You're single...I'm single...we're both over 18...there's nothing wrong with what we're doing." Jeff said.

"You're one of my son's best friends...we shouldn't..." Amy said.

"I won't force you into anything Mrs. Davis...if you want me to stop...all you have to do is push me away." Jeff said.

Jeff kissed Amy again...she didn't push him away.

After kissing her for a minute or so Jeff moved his mouth down to Amy's luscious breasts and licked and sucked them for several minutes before moving lower. The shower had a bench seat in it that was supposed to be used with the steam feature...Jeff guided Amy down onto it.

Jeff got down on his knees and gently pulled Amy's legs wide apart. He started at her knees and kissed his way up her thighs to her pussy. He devoured Amy's pussy for several minutes and was rewarded with a mouthful of her sweet nectar as she had an orgasm.

They both stood up and Amy kissed Jeff licking her juices from his face.

"God Jeff that was incredible." Amy said.

"I'm glad you liked it Mrs. Davis." Jeff said.

Amy laughed.

"Call me Amy...calling me Mrs. Davis when you have my pussy juice running down your chin just sounds ridiculous." Amy said.

Jeff smiled.

"Okay Amy." Jeff said.

"I guess it's my turn now." Amy said.

Amy kissed her way down Jeff's body until she reached his cock. Amy gently kissed his cock and stroked it lightly. Amy looked up and saw Jeff looking down at her with pure lust in his eyes.

"The first time you only get you want a blowjob or do you want to have sex?" Amy asked.

"Sex." Jeff groaned.

Amy kissed Jeff's cock again and stood up. She turned away from Jeff and bent down. Jeff moved in behind her and pushed his aching cock into her pussy. It was the first time in 14 years that a cock had been inside her. Jeff started fucking her hard and fast.

"Oh god Amy...your pussy feels so fucking good." Jeff said.

"Slow'll never last long like that...slow it down...enjoy it." Amy said.

Jeff slowed down as much as he could, but he still came within a few minutes.

Amy pulled off of Jeff's cock and turned to face him. Jeff kissed her and held her wet naked body tight against his.

"So...what did you think? Remembering that this first time was just a taste of what can be...was $1,000 a fair price?" Amy asked.

"God yes...that was incredible." Jeff said.

He kissed Amy.

"So will you want to do this again?" Amy asked.

"I'll be going to the ATM as soon as I get a chance." Jeff said.

"I'm glad to hear it. There's one more rule that I forgot to mention earlier that I plan to tell each of you about one at a time." Amy said.

"What's the rule?" Jeff asked.

"If you want to be with me again you have to eat your cum back out of me." Amy said.

"What? No way." Jeff said sounding disgusted.

"Suit yourself, but I should tell you that once you say no there won't be any more opportunities for you to be with me." Amy said.

Amy went to grab the hand shower to wash herself out, but Jeff grabbed her hand.

"Wait...I'll do it." Jeff said.

"That's what I like to hear. Now...lay down on the floor." Amy said.

Jeff laid down on the floor of the large shower. Amy squatted over his face and lowered her cum filled pussy down onto his mouth.

"Now be sure to get it all." Amy said.

Jeff licked and sucked his cum out of Amy's pussy. Amy moaned as Jeff licked his cum out of her. Amy's husband had licked his cum out of her many times and Amy had always enjoyed it so it felt incredible to have someone doing it again. When Jeff was done Amy moved off of him and they both stood up.

"There now...that wasn't so bad was it?" Amy asked.

Jeff didn't say anything.

"Don't worry Jeff...they'll all have to do it when it is their turn. If they don't do it they won't get any more time with me. You'd probably better get going...Eric will probably be back soon." Amy said.

"When can I see you again?" Jeff asked.

"We have to be fair and wait until the others have had their opportunity. When you get back tell Troy that he's next if he has the money and have him call me tomorrow morning on my cell phone. Any time after 8:00." Amy said.

"Sure." Jeff said.

Jeff kissed Amy, slipped out of the shower, dried off, grabbed his cell phone, went to the bedroom, got dressed, and left.

Amy rinsed herself off, got out of the shower, dried off, got dressed, and was downstairs reading when Eric got home.

"Oh hi sweetie...I thought you were in bed. Did you change your mind about going out?" Amy asked.

"Yeah...after you left the guys called and said they wanted me to come over to Lucas' place so they could apologize to me about the things they've been saying about you." Eric said.

"Oh I'm glad...I knew that they'd drop it eventually." Amy said.

"Well...I'm gonna call it a night...I've got to be on the road pretty early tomorrow." Eric said.

"Okay...goodnight sweetie." Amy said.

Eric went upstairs to bed.

At 8:30 the next morning Amy's phone rang.

"I was wondering when you were going to call." Amy said.

"I wanted to be sure that Eric was gone before I did." Troy said.

"He left a little after 7:00 to go spend the weekend with his grandparents and won't be home until Sunday night...which means I'm here in this big old house all alone." Amy said playfully.

"I can help you with that." Troy said.

"Have you got the cash?" Amy asked.

"I hit the ATM before I went home last night." Troy said.

"Then come on over." Amy said.

Twenty minutes later Amy was counting Troy's money.

"'ve fantasized about me right? In your did you picture getting me the first time?" Amy asked.

"What? Why do you want to know that?" Troy asked.

"Last night Jeff and I played out his fantasy of how he always pictured getting me. It helped us with the awkwardness of the situation. I figured I'd do it with all of you this first time." Amy said.

"Oh...that makes sense I guess. Well...I always pictured walking into your room and finding you sleeping. I'd pull back the covers and you'd be laying there naked. I'd look at you and touch you for a while before you woke up. You would always wake up when I was eating you and you'd want me to continue." Troy said.

"Well...that's certainly doable...let's go make that fantasy a reality. I'll go up to my bedroom, get naked, crawl into bed, and pretend to be asleep. Give me a few minutes to get ready and then come on up to the bedroom." Amy said.

"Okay." Troy said.

Amy went up to her bedroom and pulled the covers...except for the thin top the bed. She then got completely naked and crawled into the bed and lay perfectly still as if she were asleep. She could hear Troy coming up the stairs.

"Okay...I'm ready." Amy said.

Amy lay perfectly motionless with her eyes closed as Troy opened the bedroom door and quietly stepped inside. He closed the door and moved over beside the bed so he was looking down at Amy.

For several minutes Troy looked at Amy lying there, but then he grew bolder and gently began pulling at the thin sheet that was covering Amy's naked body. He pulled the sheet very slowly...slowly enough that had Amy really been asleep it might not have woken her up.

Amy's breasts came into view and Troy stopped for a few minutes to look at them. Then he pulled some more. Amy's tummy...her belly button...her shaved pubic area...and her pussy all came into view little by little.

Troy pulled the sheet completely away leaving Amy's body completely uncovered and lying naked on the bed. He stood silently beside the bed looking down at her for several minutes.

Eventually Troy gently sat on the bed beside Amy being careful not to shake the bed too much. He leaned over Amy's body getting a closer look at her breasts and her pussy. Slowly he began to touch her. His hands touched and caressed nearly every inch of her flesh.

He gently squeezed her nipples and rubbed her pussy. He lowered his mouth down to engulf one of Amy's nipples. He suckled at her nipples for a few minutes before moving down between her legs where he began licking her pussy.

It was Troy's fantasy that Amy wake up while he was licking her pussy, plus it really felt good so she started moaning and panting.

"Don't stop...don't stop." Amy said.

Troy looked up...playing into the fantasy...caught.

"Hey...I said don't stop." Amy said.

"I..." Troy said.

"You can apologize later...for now...finish what you started." Amy said.

Troy went back to licking Amy's pussy...he brought her to orgasm and she covered her face with a pillow to muffle the scream.

When Troy was done lapping up Amy's juices she pounced on him. She kissed him and began opening his pants.

"Mrs. Davis..." Troy started.

"Amy." Amy said.

Amy lowered her head down and licked and sucked Troy's balls while slowly stroking his cock. She could see him looking down at her...she smiled.

"Do you want me to suck you cock? Or would you rather fuck me?" Amy asked.

"I want both." Troy said.

" only get one the first time." Amy said.

"Then I definitely want to fuck you." Troy said.

"Then do it." Amy said.

Amy flopped back onto the bed and Troy mounted her...driving his cock into her. He lasted just over two minutes before he came in her. He collapsed down onto Amy with all of his weight. She kissed him and put her arms around him.

"Was it good for you?" Amy asked.

"God yes...I'm sorry that I didn't last that long." Troy said.

"That's okay...I didn't expect you to. Was it worth $1,000?" Amy asked.

"Hell yes." Troy said.

"Will you want to do this again?" Amy asked.

" soon as possible." Troy said.

"Then you have to do something." Amy said.

"Anything." Troy said.

"Lick your cum out of me." Amy said.

"What?" Troy asked.

"It's a rule I decided to tell you all about one at a time, and only after you've fucked me. If you want to see me again then you have to lick your cum out of me...otherwise you're out." Amy said.

"Oh man...fine." Troy said.

Troy crawled off of Amy and moved between her legs. He licked and sucked his cum back out of her as Amy held his head with both hands.

"There've earned a second opportunity. As soon as the others have had their turn we can set up another 'date'." Amy said.

"Well Eric's going to be gone all weekend right?" Troy asked.

"Yes he is...and I'm going to call one of the other guys as soon as you've left." Amy said.

"Well don't let me keep you from it. The sooner you get done with them the sooner I get to fuck you again." Troy said.

Troy got dressed and left. Amy grabbed her cell phone and called Lucas.

"Hello?" Lucas asked.

"Lucas...its Amy." Amy said.

"Amy? Oh...Mrs. it my turn?" Lucas asked.

"Have you got the cash?" Amy asked.

"Oh yeah I've got it." Lucas said.

"Then come on over." Amy said.

Amy quickly cleaned up and was waiting for Lucas when he arrived. He immediately handed her the cash. She quickly counted it and then looked at Lucas.

"Okay...what's your fantasy?" Amy asked.

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked.

"How did you picture having sex with me the first time when you fantasized about me?" Amy asked.

"'s kind of embarrassing." Lucas said.

"There's no need to be embarrassed Lucas...I won't judge you...I won't tell anybody...and maybe we can make your dream come true." Amy said.

"Well...okay...I always pictured you catching me jerking off on your bed with your panties scattered all around me." Lucas said.

"My panties...are you the one that stole some of my panties?" Amy asked.

"Yes." Lucas said meekly.

Amy smiled.

"Thank god...I was afraid that it was Eric. Your fantasy is no sounds like fun...let's go up to the bedroom." Amy said.

They went upstairs.

"Okay...since you've stolen panties from me in the past you know where they are. Go ahead on into the bedroom and have some fun. I'll give you 5 minutes...then I'll come in." Amy said.

Lucas went into Amy's bedroom and shut the door. He immediately took all of his clothes off and opened Amy's panty drawer. He pulled out all of her panties and threw them on the bed. Lucas climbed onto the bed and picked up two pairs of panties. He held the crotch of one pair to his nose and used the other pair to slowly stroke his rock hard cock.

Amy waited for what she figured to be 5 minutes then she opened the door. Playing in to Lucas' fantasy she looked shocked and angry.

"Lucas! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Amy asked.

"I...I...I...I..." Lucas stammered.

"Now I'm going to have to wash all of those...thanks a lot Lucas. What do you want to play with a bunch of silly panties for anyway?" Amy asked.

Amy looked at Lucas sternly...expecting an answer.

"They've...they've been intimate with your most intimate places." Lucas said.

"Yeah...but those are clean...they don't smell like me...they smell like fabric softener. You should have gone through the hamper to get the dirty ones. At least those would smell like me. Or did you go through my hamper too?" Amy asked.

"No." Lucas said.

"So you don't know what my pussy actually smells like then do you?" Amy asked.

"No." Lucas said.

"Well...let's change that." Amy said.

"What?" Lucas asked.

"Lay back down." Amy said.

Lucas did as Amy told him. Amy quickly took off the little sundress she was wearing leaving her in only her bra and panties. She crawled up on the bed.

"If you like sniffing my panties so much...try sniffing them when they're still on me." Amy said.

She lowered her panty covered pussy down on to Lucas' face.

"Smell it...take in long deep breaths." Amy said in commanding tone.

Lucas started breathing deep.

"Do you like that Lucas? Does it smell good?" Amy asked.

" smells wonderful." Lucas said.

"Lick them...lick the crotch of my panties." Amy said.

Lucas started licking the crotch of Amy's panties.

"Can you taste my pussy through my panties Lucas?" Amy asked.

"Yes." Lucas said.

"Do you want a better taste of it? Do you want to taste my bare pussy Lucas?" Amy asked.

"Yes...please...yes." Lucas said.

"Ask for it. Ask me if you can please taste my bare pussy." Amy said.

"Can I please taste your bare pussy?" Lucas asked.

Amy reached down, pulled the crotch of her panties to one side and squatted hard on Lucas' face.

"You want to taste me? Fine...taste me...lick me...lick me you dirty little panty boy. Lick my pussy." Amy said.

Lucas started licking Amy's pussy.

"That's're a good little pussy licker aren't you panty boy? Stick your tongue inside me." Amy said.

Lucas stuck his tongue in Amy's pussy and after a few minutes she came on his face. Amy then moved off of Lucas' face and he sat up.

"Well done panty boy. Now let's see what else you're good at." Amy said.

Amy kissed Lucas for a few minutes before taking off her bra guiding Lucas' head down to her breasts.

"Suck them. Suck them and lick them panty boy." Amy said.

Lucas sucked and licked Amy's breasts and then Amy forcefully pushed him back on the bed.

"You're pretty good at that too panty boy. have three choices. Choice number one I give you a blowjob. Choice number two I take off the panties I'm wearing and use them to give you a hand job. Choice number 3 I take off the panties I'm wearing, you put them on, and you fuck me. You only get one this first time...what's it going to be panty boy?" Amy asked.

"It's definitely option 3. The other two would be great, but I've wanted to fuck you so bad for so long." Lucas said.

Amy quickly took off her panties and handed them to Lucas. He pulled them up stretching them out to get them over his ass with his cock and balls poking out. Amy looked at him and smiled.

"Those look pretty good on you panty boy. Do you like wearing my panties?" Amy asked.

"Yes." Lucas said.

"Lay back down panty boy." Amy said.

Lucas laid down. Amy straddled Lucas' hard cock and guided it into her pussy. She rode him until he came inside her after just a few minutes.

Amy slumped forward onto Lucas. She kissed him and looked down into his face. She smiled.

" little panty boy...was this worth $1,000?" Amy asked.

"Hell yes." Lucas said.

"Do you think you'll want to do it again once the others have had their chance?" Amy asked.

"Absolutely." Lucas said.

"Then there's something you need to do." Amy said.

"What is it?" Lucas asked.

"You have to lick your cum back out of me. It's a little rule I decided to tell you about individually just to see how serious you are about doing this again. So...what do you say panty boy?" Amy asked.

"I say...give me that sloppy pussy." Lucas said.

Amy moved her pussy up over Lucas' face and he sucked and licked until every last trace of his cum had been cleaned from Amy's pussy.

"You're very good at that panty boy. I'd say you even enjoyed it." Amy said.

"I did. That wasn't my first cream pie...a few of my girlfriends have let me do that." Lucas said.

"I think you ruined that pair of panties so you can keep them if you want. Do you want to keep them panty boy?" Amy asked.

"Yes." Lucas said.

"Then leave them on as you get dressed and wear them home." Amy said.

Lucas rolled off the bed, pulled his boxers up over Amy's panties, finished getting dressed, and left. After Lucas left Amy took a nap and showered to be rested up before calling Mike.

"Hello." Mike said.

"Hi Mike...its Amy." Amy said.

"Oh...hi Mrs. I get to come spend some time with you now?" Mike asked.

"If you've got the money honey...I've got the time." Amy said.

"I've got the money." Mike said.

"Then come on over." Amy said.

"I'll see you in a few minutes." Mike said.

Mike handed Amy 10 crisp new $100 bills as soon as he walked in the door. She examined them carefully.

" in all the times you've pictured fucking did you figure it would go down?" Amy asked.

"What? Why do you want to know that?" Mike asked.

"I've decided that since you guys all fantasized about me it might be fun to help you fulfill your you can fuck me the way you always pictured. Assuming it can be done here of course." Amy said.

"Oh...that's awesome of you. Okay...I always pictured it as me spending the night over here with Eric and you walking in on me when I was in the shower the next morning." Mike said.

"That sounds exciting, but the shower Eric uses is a little small for two people." Amy said.

"I know...that's why I always pictured fucking you on the counter." Mike said.

"Okay...let's go upstairs and make your fantasy a reality." Amy said.

They went upstairs and Mike went into the bathroom. He turned on the shower and took off his clothes. After a few minutes Amy opened the door.

"Mike...I didn't know if there were any towels so I brought you....oh my god...I'm sorry." Amy said.

"It's okay...really." Mike said.

"I should let you get dressed." Amy said.

"Or you could get undressed." Mike said.

Amy laughed.

"That's a good line...does it work on anyone?" Amy asked.

"I don't's it working on you?" Mike asked.

"Well...all of a sudden I am really warm." Amy said.

"Let me help you with that." Mike said.

He reached around Amy and pushed the bathroom door closed. He also opened her sun dress and pulled it off so it fell to the floor.

"There...that should help cool you off...though it is making me hot." Mike said.

Mike put his hands on Amy's waist.

"You look a little must still be warm...let's see what we can do about that." Mike said.

He moved his hands up Amy's back until he found her bra strap.

"What are you doing?" Amy asked.

"I'm taking your bra off so I can finally see your tits." Mike said.

"Mike...we shouldn' shouldn't...Eric could wake up." Amy said.

"Eric's out earthquake wouldn't wake him up." Mike said.

Mike unclasped Amy's bra and pulled it off of her shoulders. Amy let the bra fall to the floor between them. She was pretending to be very nervous.

Mike stared at Amy's chest.

"There they are at long last. They're even more perfect than I imagined. Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to see your tits?" Mike asked.

"How long?" Amy asked.

"Seven years...ever since puberty I've wanted to see these tits. I've spent 7 years staring at your tits when you weren't looking. Every tight top...every low cut blouse...every time you'd put on your bikini and come out by the pool with us...they were all torture. I've been trying to sneak a peak at your tits for 7 years and now here they are in my hands...fully exposed...beautiful." Mike said.

Mike was gently cupping each of Amy's breasts with his hands. He lifted them to feel their weight in his hands and gently caressed them as he flicked her nipples with his thumbs.

"Mike please...that's enough. You wanted to see my breasts and now you've seen and touched them. Eric could wake up any minute and catch us...we have to stop. Please let me get dressed." Amy said.

"We can't stop yet. Yes I've seen and felt your tits, but you've got something else that I've wanted to see for a long time too. Who knows if I'll ever get another chance? Take your panties off for me." Mike said.

"What?" Amy asked.

"Take your panties off." Mike said.

"You want take my panties off?" Amy asked.

"Yes. I've wanted to see your pussy for almost as long as I've wanted to see your tits. Now take your panties off." Mike said.

"I...I can't...I won't." Amy said.

"Take them off." Mike said.

"Why do I have to do it? Why don't you do it? You've stripped me out of the rest of my clothes." Amy said.

"Oh no...I won't take them off...I want you to take them off. I want to watch you to take your panties off. I want you to take your panties off knowing that you're taking them off for me. Now...take them off." Mike said.

"Um...well...I...okay...but that's it. I'll take them can look at my pussy, but that's it." Amy said.

"Take them off." Mike said.

Amy sighed.

"Fine...I'll do it." Amy said.

Mike stepped back and watched as Amy slowly hooked her thumbs into her panties and began pushing them down slowly. When Mike got his first view of Amy's pussy he licked his lips. Amy pushed her panties down her thighs, past her knees, they fell down her calves to her ankles, and she stepped out of them.

"There...I took my panties off for you." Amy said.

"There now...was that so bad?" Mike asked.

"No...I guess not. Can I get dressed now?" Amy asked.

"Not just yet. Pick up your panties and hand them to me." Mike said.

"What?" Amy asked.

"Pick them up. I want you to hand them to me." Mike said.

"Um...okay." Amy said.

Amy started to crouch down to pick up her panties.

"No...not like that. Come over to this side and face away from me. I want you to bend over at the I can see you from behind." Mike said.

Amy moved to the other side of the panties, spread her feet a little more than a foot apart, and bent down with her ass pointed right at Mike. She lingered in her bent position for a while and wiggled her butt playfully before straightening back up with the panties in her hands. She turned to face Mike and offered them to him. Mike smiled.

"Here...take them, but please can I get dressed now?" Amy asked.

Mike took the panties and put them on his head as if he was a king putting on his crown. He pulled Amy to him and kissed her.

" are so beautiful. Oh...I enjoyed the shy and embarrassed act, but you can drop it now." Mike said.

"Okay." Amy said.

Mike lowered his mouth to Amy's breasts and kissed, licked, sucked, and even nibbled on them while his hands squeezed and caressed them.

After several minutes Amy shrieked from surprise when Mike grabbed her and put her up on the counter. He kissed his way down her body and between her legs.

"Mmm...your pussy smells so sweet. I've been dying to taste your pussy for so long." Mike said.

He began licking her pussy as his hands returned to her breasts. When Amy had an orgasm Mike lapped up her cum as if it was ambrosia. He kissed his way back up her body...gently suckling each of her nipples before kissing her on her mouth.

Amy reached down and gently squeezed and began stroking Mike's hard cock which was aching.

"This first time you have to you want me to suck your cock...or do you want to fuck me?" Amy asked between kisses.

Mike's response was to pull Amy close to the edge of the counter and plunge his cock into her. Mike knew that he wasn't going to last very long so he made the most of it. He took long slow deep strokes allowing his cock to savor every last detail of Amy's pussy.

After a few minutes of fucking Amy Mike couldn't take it anymore and he started fucking her hard and fast. It only took two minutes of that before Mike buried his cock in Amy's pussy and grunted as he came inside her.

Exhausted he slumped forward onto Amy's chest and began kissing her breasts again.

"That...that was amazing." Mike said.

"Was it worth $1,000?" Amy asked.

"Yes...I definitely got my money's worth." Mike said.

"So will you want to do it again?" Amy asked.

"Absolutely. I've got a nice big bank account with your name on it." Mike said.

"I'm glad to hear that. There's something that you need to do if you're serious about doing this again." Amy said.

"Anything." Mike said.

"You have to eat your cum out of me." Amy said.

"What?" Mike asked.

"It's a little rule I forgot to mention when I had you all together. I thought it would be less embarrassing for you all to hear it now...privately." Amy said.

"You mean after we've experienced what a hot fuck you are." Mike said.

Amy giggled.

"Well...that too. I just want to be sure that you know what you could be missing out on if you say no." Amy said.

"So if I don't do it I don't get to be with you again? Even for $1,000?" Mike asked.

"Not even for $5,000." Amy said.

"Well then...I'll do it...I won't like it...but I'll do it." Mike said.

Mike lowered himself down and licked and sucked his cum out of Amy's pussy.

"There now...that wasn't so bad was it?" Amy asked.

"I guess's worth it for the chance to be with you again anyway." Mike said.

Amy smiled.

"Given enough time you might learn to like it." Amy said.

"I doubt it. So when can I see you again?" Mike asked.

"Not everybody has had their 1st turn yet Mike...we have to be fair. We'll talk about future dates after everyone has had their turn. Now...its late and I've had a full day so you need to get out of here so I can get some sleep." Amy said.

"Okay." Mike said.

Mike gathered up his clothes to go dress in Eric's room. When he reached the door to the bathroom Amy cleared her throat to get Mike's attention.

"Um...Mike...are you forgetting something?" Amy asked.

"What?" Mike asked.

Amy pointed at Mike's head.

"Oh...I forgot...I'm sorry. I believe these are yours." Mike said.

He took Amy's panties off of his head, handed them to her, and then left the room.

After Mike left Amy called Kyle.

"Hello." Kyle said.

"Hi Kyle...its Amy." Amy said.

"Oh hi Mrs. Davis...I've been wondering when you were going to call. When do I get to come and see you?" Kyle asked.

"Tomorrow morning. I hope you aren't the church going type...though considering that you're paying me for sex I have a hard time picturing you in church." Amy giggled.

"I plan on doing the death bed repentance. I've got too much sinning left to do." Kyle said.

"Well then come on over tomorrow morning and I'll help you with some of that sinning." Amy giggled.

Kyle arrived at 9:00 Sunday morning with the money in his hands. Amy examined the $1,000 and then she and Kyle sat down to talk.

"Okay Kyle...tell me...when you've fantasized about did you get me to have sex with you?" Amy asked.

"I didn' was always you that came on to me." Kyle said.

"So...the horny single woman going after her son's friend?" Amy asked.

"Yep...why?" Kyle asked.

"Because so far I've helped the other guys live out their fantasy of how they fantasized about getting me...I figured I'd do that with you too. Are you up for a little role playing?" Amy asked.

" long as I get to fuck you." Kyle said.

Amy smiled.

"You will...I'll go into the kitchen and then you come in like you came over looking for Eric...okay?" Amy asked.

"Sure thing." Kyle said.

Amy went into the kitchen and started emptying the dishwasher. A minute or so later Kyle came into the room.

"Hey Mrs. Eric here?" Kyle asked.

"No...I'm afraid he's not Kyle." Amy said.

"Oh...well could you tell him I stopped by?" Kyle asked.

"Just because Eric isn't here doesn't mean that you have to leave Kyle." Amy said.

"Why would I stay if Eric isn't here Mrs. Davis?" Kyle asked.

Amy walked over close to Kyle.

"Call me Amy...please." Amy said.

"Okay...Amy. Why do you want me to stay?" Kyle asked.

"Do you think I'm pretty Kyle?" Amy asked.

"What?" Kyle asked.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Amy asked.

"'re really good looking." Kyle said.

"Do you think I'm sexy?" Amy asked.

"Wha...I..." Kyle stammered.

"It's a simple question Kyle...I've seen the way you look at me when you think I'm not you think I'm sexy?" Amy asked.

"'re very sexy." Kyle said.

Amy smiled.

"I like it that you think I'm sexy Kyle. I like it a lot." Amy said.

She moved in and kissed Kyle.

"Amy...I..." Kyle started.

"Kyle come with me." Amy said.

Amy took Kyle's hand and pulled him along behind her.

When they got into the bedroom Amy kissed Kyle and began undressing him.

"What are you doing?" Kyle asked.

"I'm trying to get you naked so I can fuck you. Don't you want to fuck me Kyle?" Amy asked.

"Uh...yeah...but..." Kyle said.

"No buts Kyle...I want want it...just let it happen." Amy said.

She kissed Kyle again and they both started to undress each other. Once they were both naked they moved onto the bed where Kyle used his hands and his mouth to explore Amy's body with the enthusiasm of a teenager.

When he got between her legs Amy cooed. Kyle got so into licking Amy's pussy that he didn't stop after her first orgasm...only after her second orgasm did he finally pull his face away.

Amy pulled Kyle up and kissed him. She kissed down his body...she kissed, licked, and sucked on Kyle's balls for a few minutes while slowly stroking his cock.

"You have a choice to make now Kyle. The first time you only get you want me to suck you off or do you want to fuck me?" Amy asked.

"I want to fuck you." Kyle said.

" me from behind." Amy said.

Amy got into a 'doggie style' position and Kyle moved in behind her and started fucking her.

"Oh god Amy...your pussy is feels so good." Kyle said.

After only a few minutes he came inside her. Amy and Kyle lay side by side on the bed to catch their breaths.

"So...did you get your money's worth?" Amy asked.

"Considering you're giving us just enough to make us want to come back for more...HELL YES!!!" Kyle said.

"Does that mean that you want to get together with me again?" Amy asked.

"Absolutely." Kyle said.

"Then you need to get your head down between my legs and lick your cum out of me." Amy said.

"What? Why?" Kyle asked.

"It's a rule that I decided to tell you all about individually. It's my way of being sure that you're serious about this. If you want to come back you have to clean up the mess you made of me. If you don't want to have sex with me again...well then you can leave my pussy messy as you walk out the door. The choice is yours." Amy said.

Kyle immediately moved his head down between Amy's legs and licked his cum out of her. After he's licked it all out of her he crawled up beside her and kissed her.

"Well...I guess I should probably go." Kyle said.

" should get dressed and call the other guys and have them all come over. Now that we've been through it once we all need to talk about it and see what we want to do going forward." Amy said.

"Okay...can I grab a shower?" Kyle asked.

" can use Eric's shower." Amy said.

Amy headed to her shower and Kyle headed down the hall to the other shower. Once they had cleaned up they both got dressed. Kyle called the other guys and waited in the living room for them to arrive while Amy waited upstairs.

An hour after finishing her first time with each of the 5 guys; Kyle, Mike, Jeff, Lucas, and Troy were all sitting in Amy's living room. Amy walked in and sat down facing the 5 of them.

"Hi guys...I'm glad you were all able to make it on such short notice. I figured that we should all talk now that you've all had your turn. Are all of you satisfied that you got your money's worth the first time?" Amy asked.

"Absolutely." Jeff said.

"Hell yeah." Mike said.

The other guys agreed.

"Was I able to help each of you live out your fantasy of how to get me well enough?" Amy asked.

"It was awesome." Lucas said.

"Better than my fantasy ever was." Troy said.

"Now that you've had me once is there anyone that doesn't want to do it again?" Amy asked.

"Are you kidding? There's no way I want to stop." Troy said.

"Yeah no kidding." Jeff said.

"You're like that old potato chip commercial...I bet you can't eat just one...well I can't just have sex with you once." Lucas said.

"So everybody wants to continue?" Amy asked.

"YES!!!" All 5 guys say emphatically.

Amy smiled.

"Good...I'd hoped you would all enjoy it." Amy said.

"Oh we enjoyed it and we want more." Troy said.

"Okay, if we're going to do more of this then we have some things to discuss. First off all of the rules that we discussed before remain the same. From now on however I won't necessarily be limiting you to only one orgasm all the time, and I won't make you choose between oral sex and fucking all the time. However I'm still in charge so if I say that all you get is one...then that's all it will be. I doubt I'll do that very much though." Amy said.

"That's good news because it was hard to say no to you sucking my cock, but I had to go with case there wasn't a second chance." Jeff said.

"Yeah no kidding...with no guarantee that there'd be a second time it wasn't even a choice...fucking was the only option." Kyle said.

"'ll have more options now. I am still in charge though so I might still make you choose sometimes...and sometimes I might choose for you and not give you a choice. Other times I might have you cum 4 or 5 times in a lot of different will depend on the mood I'm in. Also...we did some role playing with the first time to live out your fantasies...we may do more of that if you want to and I'm in the mood for it, but as far as I'm concerned from now on it will be all about fucking. Any questions so far?" Amy asked.

"Will we be able to do anal with you? None of my girlfriends has let me and I'm curious." Troy said.

"Me too." Jeff said.

"Yes...I will do anal with you from time to time, but you will have to ask for it and I won't always say yes. Any other questions?" Amy asked.

There were no other questions.

" we need to talk about how to make this work without anyone...especially Eric...finding out about it. It's the first weekend in it is basically summer and you've all graduated so you aren't in school. Eric works from 8-4 every week day and I'm self employed and work out of the house anyway which means that Eric will be away from the house and I'll be able to make time whenever I want. That leaves it to you guys to be free during weekday hours so we can get together. Do you think you can do that?" Amy asked.

"I can...I don't have a job this summer so I was just gonna be hanging out and stuff all summer anyway." Lucas said.

"Eric's the only one of us that has a job. I think the rest of us were planning to spend the summer just hanging I think we're all free." Mike said.

"Okay good. I've decided that you'll each only be able to meet with me one day a week. There are 5 weekdays and 5 of you so you will each have a day assigned to you." Amy said.

"What if we miss our day? Like if we have to go somewhere or something?" Kyle asked.

"If you are assigned to Monday and miss the Monday and want to get together on a different day it will cost you another $200 and you will meet with me after the guy that is supposed to meet with me that day has met with be fair to him...since it is his day. Unless you call me 24 hours in advance to let me know you won't be able to make it I'll expect you to be here on your appointed day every week with cash in hand. You can skip a week if you want, but you have to tell me first. If you skip 2 or more weeks in a row it will cost you $5,000 to get back in. Are there any problems with that?" Amy asked.

"Why the hell would we ever skip a week?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah...I don't think there's going to be any problem with that one." Jeff said.

"So how do we decide who gets which day?" Mike asked.

"I'm working on that right now." Amy said.

She was writing on pieces of paper and putting them into a bowl.

"Okay...I've written down the 5 days of the week on pieces of paper and put them in this little'll draw them out and whatever day you draw will be the day that you get to be with me." Amy said.

Amy shook the bowl and the guys drew.

"Okay...who got what day?" Amy asked.

"I got Monday." Jeff said.

"I got Tuesday." Mike said.

"I got Wednesday." Lucas said.

"I got Thursday." Troy said.

"I got Friday." Kyle said.

"Okay...that means that Jeff...if you want to...and if you have $1, get to have me tomorrow. Do you want to?" Amy asked.

"Hell yes...I've got the cash on me now." Jeff said.

"Okay...then come over at 9:00 tomorrow morning. Eric will be off to work by then and we'll have the house to ourselves." Amy said.

"I'll be here." Jeff said.

"Oh...unless we make other arrangements our 'dates' will all be in the morning starting at 9:00. guys had better get out of here. I'm not sure when Eric will get home and he'd know something was going on if you were all here when he gets home." Amy said.

The guys left and Amy made sure everything downstairs was cleaned up. Then she went up to her bedroom, changed the sheets, and cleaned up any sign of what had happened there over the weekend.

Once she was certain that there was no sign of her actions for Eric to find Amy pulled all of the money that the guys had given her out of her hiding spot and spread it around on the bed. She looked at all the money...$5,000...50 crisp $100 bills...and thought about the things that she had done to earn that money. As she thought about everything that had happened over the past few days...and what was yet to come...she got a tingling feeling in her pussy.

"This has been even better than I'd hoped it would be. I've made $5,000 in cash...and I've been fucked 5 times in the past 3 days...I wish I'd known those guys wanted to fuck me sooner...I could have made enough off of them to put Eric through college." Amy said.

Amy got an idea that was so ridiculous that she just couldn't resist so she took off her clothes and rolled around naked on the money...throwing it into the air and letting it fall down over her body.

Amy made sure that she was dressed and the money was put away before Eric got home though. She was sitting in the living room when Eric walked in.

"Hi mom...I'm home." Eric said.

"Hello was your weekend?" Amy asked.

"It was good...grandpa and I went golfing with some of his friends on those old guys know some filthy jokes." Eric said.

Amy laughed.

"I'm sure they do." Amy said.

"So what did you do this weekend?" Eric asked.

"Oh not much...I actually spent most of the weekend in bed." Amy said.

"That's not good for you mom." Eric said.

"I know...I did get some exercise in too." Amy said.

"Good. Oh...we really need to do something about my car...on the way back to town it was really making a lot of noise." Eric said.

"I hope it isn't too know that we can't afford to replace it right now." Amy said.

"I know...but it's only going to get worse and in a few months I'll be going to college...I'd really like not to have this car then." Eric said.

"Well hopefully we'll be able to replace it by then." Amy said.

Amy immediately knew what she was going to do with the money Eric's friends were paying her for sex. Originally she had no real plans for what she would do with the money...she was just excited about the idea of having young men pay her for sex, and there was no way that she was just going to have sex with them for free. After hearing Eric complain about his car she knew that she would use the money to get him a new car sometime before he left for college.

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