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My Wife, The Company Slut Pt 3

I went home that night and told Mary about the part of my conversation with Joe concerning the bonus and possible promotion.

She was excited by the news. I intentionally omitted his coming visit.

We had a bottle of wine in celebration. In bed later that night as we were making, I mounted her and said, Remember what I said about the bonus and promotion? Yes she replied. Well theres just one catch Whats that? she asked. Joe will be stopping by tomorrow night I said as I slowly worked my length in and out of her softness. And he wants you dressed like you were Saturday night. Do you want him to come over? she panted. I could see the idea excited her. She began pulled her legs up and hooked her arms behind her knees and rocked against me. Do you? I asked. Ill do whatever you want me to do. she said gazing into my eyes. Really? What if I said , no? Are you sure you dont want that big length again? We could really use that raise she replied I didnt respond right away. That was an interesting answer.

I continued to play her. You know hell want to use you like a slut again? Play you hard while I watch. The Ill take a turn while he rests. there was no hiding it now.

This talk really excited her and she exploded in orgasm. I came in her shortly after.

As we lay there, she couldnt resist asking, So will he be coming over? I let her lay for a few minutes without an answer. Ill let you know tomorrow. I said , rolling over. She called me at work three times and I had my secretary take messages. I arrived home at 7 pm.

She was in the kitchen wearing a robe, clearly showered and made up. A bottle of wine was open on the counter. Working up your nerve I laughed. Just getting ready in case she replied Ready for what? Whatever you decided she said looking into my eyes. I slid my hand into her robe. As expected I found her in thigh high nylons. So I guess that answers my question. You want it She nodded. Go get your dress on. She returned, not in a dress but a sheer top and short skirt. Her breasts were clearly visible and her nipples were hard. As she kissed me I ran my hand to her cunt. Once again it was soaked. The bell rang. You feel ready. Answer the door. Joe stood there.

He had obviously been drinking.

Hi Mary, nice tits. he said cupping her right breast in the doorway. Any neighbor watching could have clearly seen.

He Kissed her on the mouth, then came in. He headed right to a living room chair. Get me a drink babe. Anything he loosened his tie and sat. We made small talk. As she served the drink, he reached up her skirt and grabbed her by the crotch. Ive been thinking about this all day. Is she ready? he asked me. I nodded. Yeah she feels ready. his hand pumped under her skirt. I could here the wetness as he played her with his fingers. His other hand went to her tits and he pulled and twisted her nipples. She stood with his drink in one hand and her other held behind her, giving herself to his groping. She moaned and urged him on. He pulled the hem of her blouse from her skirt and lifted it over her tits.

Bend over and pull up that skirt so he can see he ordered. Mary set the drink on the end table, pulled her skirt back over her soft place and offered her tits to his mouth. He alternately sucked them as he now shoved 3 or 4 fingers into her and rubbed her personal place with his thumb. In a few moments , Mary came loudly. Get out of those clothes he said as he stood and began to undress.

He sat, You know the routine. Mary dropped to her knees and began to suck his length. When it was hard, she stood, faced me and began to lower herself onto it. Play with your personal place while you ride slut.

her hands shot to her cunt, one spreading her lips and the other tweaking her personal place.

She rode ever more quickly until she came again, slumping back impaled on his still hard length. He let her recover, then pushed her to the floor.

On your knees he ordered. He moved behind her and took her doggy style.

Again there wasnt anything gentle in the play. He pounded her and she begged for more.

When he neared climax, he told her, Turn around here and open your mouth..

She spun and knelt before his length, her face inches away. He stroked himself. You want my cum dont you ? Yes I want it she said. Beg for it then Please cum in my mouth. Shoot all over my face. she pleaded. I was amazed. Mary didnt really like to swallow. I had never cum on her anywhere, much less her face. Here it comes he grunted. His first stream exploded in her face and she hurriedly moved to catch the rest in her mouth. Swallow that load like a good girl he laughed.

When he was done he sat and reached for his drink. Your turn.

Again, I was surprised how aroused I became watching them. I jumped from the couch, dropped my trousers and knelt behind Mary. Her softness was loose after the pounding it had taken, but it was oddly exciting to know she would apparently do anything he told her. I came quickly in her. Joe stood and began to dress.

We have that big meeting first thing in the morning. Are you ready for the presentation? Yes I am Joe. Good.

I better get some rest He moved to the door. He turned as he opened it. Come over here he ordered Mary.

She stood and walked to the open door. He faced into the house, his length still hung through his fly. Clean up that face. She used her fingers to wipe up the come running down her cheeks. You know where it goes. She toyed her fingers clean.

Now clean me.

She dropped to her knees and took his flaccid length into her mouth and toyed and sucked it clean.

Good girl.

He patted her head , turned and left as she knelt in the doorway. I hoped no neighbors were watching. After that night, Joe began to visit us regularly, at least twice a week.

He made it clear that Mary was to greet him at the door dressed in only heels and nylons. As he said , why waste time with clothes. Some nights he stayed for hours, others just long enough to satisfy himself. To be continued

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