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The Discovery4

"Lay there and relax for a few minutes, theres'more to cum"...

i had just closed my eyes, when i heard a loud gasp..looking up a woman from housekeeping was standing at the door wher hand over her mouth and her blue eyes wide in surprise...she must have knocked when we were way too occupied to listen... "Come in, join us" I swear this man must use some kind of mind control..

must be the sheer intensity of his eyes as they center on just you...

She was as mesmerized by him as i was...

just watching..she was shaking her head , black hair swinging side to side....Master walked over and began talking quitely, not being able to hear , I just watched him work his magic... She was in her 30s somewhere..not gorgeous but a nasty kinda sexy look about her, with what looked like great tits.. As i mentioned before Master was very adept at getting his way...

Being an avid softness lover i was very fine w another woman in the bed..I was surprised to say the least but not as surprised as when Master began working her..petting her, putting little kisses on her neck touching her hair and so effortlessly poppin buttons on that uniform .

He had her on her knees, naked and his length in her mouth in a matter of minutes...his impressive length getting hard already...

"Thats it..

suck it down..let me feel your throat....

I want to feel your lips tight around me..Yeah thats it suck it good" This went back and forth Master lovin the attention to his length and me gettin hotter by the second..It was if he was waiting for somekinda sign or signal..

i'm not exactly sure... He backed away from her mouth, taking her shoulders pulling her up..He helps turn me around so i'm on my knees, wass in the air....

He turns and says "get on the bed, and let my slut toy your softness..slide under her and get as close to her mouth as possible....Sliding under and spreading wide she opened up giving me a terriffic view of her wet, shaved softness.. My mouth was salivating wanting to taste that sweet nectar. All the time Master was just watching...looking pleased at the scene playing out in front of him..

with a loud moan of pleasure my mouth covered her softness sucking in her lips pullin and stretching tasting her cream , spanking her personal place lightly wmy hot tongue...

licking and flicking her personal place til it was fat and hard ready to pop..I was in softness heaven. in the zone...encouraging her to cum over and over swallowing her cream as fast as she made it, lovin it in my mouth.. Master smacked my upturned soft place and began pulling that fat plug out of my soft place...

"perfect" my length will fit perfect...

Lining up his lengthw my stretched out soft place he started pushinno xtra lube neededin and out..

slow but steady feeling something loosen he bore down and every inch of that monster sunk into me...I could feel his heavy balls slap at me as he bottomed out. Tilting me just a little his length sank deep er yet...long deep strokes back and forth my soft place lovin every thrust begging for more..

juice running out my softness teasing all over his length giving more lube for my soft place playing....

His length in my soft place was making me crazy, i was slaming back into him wanting more deeper harder...

Short fast jackhammer strokes had my spine thinking it was cuming out the top of my head. IT was hard to keep from howling, the sheer force of it was unbelievable..

He reached under me and started rubbing his fingers over my throbbing personal place...

He slowed a bit as he rubbed and pinched at myhard was getting harder and harder to breath...

Master took his other hand and slid 2 fingers into my needy cunt, rubbing my personal place hard...AAAAAAGGGGHHHHhhhUhh "Now..CUM FOR ME NOW."...i started moaning , my body convulsing as an orgasm erupted in my toes and slammed out the top of my head...

Softness juice flyingassgasms you wouldn't believe..

MASTERS' length spewing great ropes of cum deep in my hot bowels..My god, the sheer intensity had me almost unconsious. Unfastening my straps , MASTER leaned down , kissed me and softly caressed my face...

"YOU'RE a GOOD CUMSLUT"... thank you MASTER......
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Submitted by : Anonymous
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Disclaimer: All stories posted here are fictional erotic stories.

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