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The Baby 4

I have been babysitter-sex-free for over a month now. Its been tough but I've managed. Managing without means at times I have to be short and rude with her. I hate that part. She gets sexier and sexier by the day. My frat brothers tell me its kool because Ann, my wife, treats me like shit and withhold sex from me. Whats a man to do? One day, i wasn't so lucky. I came home only to find Jennifer bent over taking clothes out of the dryer.

I began to get weak. Big K was jumping up and down in my boxers.

Those jeans, ummmm, how they hugged her phat soft place. Oh the damage I could do to her bent over like that. I looked past her and saw my girls playing outside. It was like a force was pulling me to her. The next thing I know, I was flat up against her body. My hands developed a mind of their own. I had them under her top, kneading her perky, plump breast. Pulling and twisting on the nipples. She moaned and closed her eyes. I whispered huskily in her ear to keep her eyes on the girls. I continued to squeeze and grope her breast while grinding my thingy up on her soft place. I then unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down to her feet.

Oh hell!! OOOOO damn!! Look at her sexy round soft place.

So lovely. So soft. She wore a tiny pair of purple bikini panties. Her bra was probably a perfect match. Those came off too but I pulled them off with my teeth. I reminded her to keep her eyes on the girls.

I took my time to place kisses on her entire soft place.

I allowed my hands the pleasure of feeling her body. I knew I didn't have much time, I parted her legs and used my tongue to slowly lap up the juices that had begun to flow out of her love canal.

Ummmmm, so delicious. Her scent is so intoxicating. It lures me to do things I KNOW i shouldn't be doing. I heard her moaning louder, her legs were stiff. I knew she was near. Struggling to breath, she gripped the dryer on each side as an orgasm ripped through her body. I stuck my tongue as far as I could in her softness. She bit down on her lip and let out a suppressed scream. She was still trembling when I got up.

I checked to see where my girls were.

They were still having a good time on their new swing set I had recently bought them. Needless to say, my wife bitched about it.

She said they would get hurt.

Big fight broke out.....

but anyway....I reminded Jennifer to keep watching the girls. She nodded her head.

I had dropped my slacks and was stroking Big K. My thingy was stiff as a board and ready for his treat. I took my body and pushed up against Jennifer to bend her forward slightly.

I entered her soaking wett softness slow and went deep. I went as deep as I could and stopped.

She wiggled her soft place back on me and moaned my name. My name rolling off her lips, especially when were are having sex, turns me the play on. Hell, bout anything she does turns me on. I slowly started pumping in and out of her tight softness. It was still so tight. Damn! Ummmm, baby, yes! I moaned.

I continued to work it in and out. Rolling my hips from side to side. She was doing the same. She was loving this just as much as I was. I slid one hand under her top again and kept the other on her waist.

I pulled and twisted on her already erect nipples. I was steady feeding her softness my thingy. I felt her body tense up.

She started to moan louder and pant for air. She still had her eyes on the girls, too. Wow! This softness was so good.

Somebody help me!! I felt her juices start to run down my thingy. She was starting to ride another wave of pleasure.

I bent my knees a little and drove my thingy further in her softness. She fell forward on the dryer and dropped her head.

I knew time was not my friend, I had to finish.

It wouldn't be long now. My balls were so tight. I felt my orgasm rising. I grabbed her waist with both hands and started pounding her sweet softness. She was moaning and groaning so loud.

I was lost in lust, pumping in a frenzy. Like I was a man possessed.

I could hear us bumping the dryer. My orgasm rocketed through my body and shot out my thingy like a cannon! All I could do was hang on to her. I was moaning and groaning just as loud as she was. My orgasm was so intense!! It was oozing out of her softness and running down my legs and hers.

I hadn't had real release in over a month. I was trying to catch my breath as well she was. After a few minutes, I stumbled to the washer, with my pants around my ankles, and got a wet cloth out to clean us up. Just as we finishing cleaning up the cum that had ran everywhere, we heard the keys in front door. I quickly pulled my pants up, made sure Jennifer was straight and ran out to be with my girls. Phew!! That was close, too close for comfort. I'm sure the strong sex smell was lingering in the laundry room but mixed with Downy and Tide, my wife wont notice it. I hope! I need help. I gotta get this pretty, tight, young thang outta mind. Lets hope this is the end.

thx for reading. all comments are welcummed. Smooches!!

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